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  1. I really like the RY4 from sweet-vapes. It's not overpowering with the caramel. Good luck.
  2. And the nonmenthol version was called signature leaf tobacco from puresmoker. I just watched a youtube video from 2010 about it and the guy on the video said it had a butterscotch flavor, he thought, with a tobacco flavor. I know my family tells me they can smell a hint of chocolate. I never tasted chocolate, just tobacco in a sweet form without being mentholly. And again I want to thank all of you for your posts. You have been tremendously helpful.
  3. ok. I bought 10 different tobacco flavors from sweet vapes. Maybe I will like one of them. If not, I will try eblends. Thanks for all your help. I am going to miss my silver leaf from pure smoker.
  4. What is RY4? I looked at the site you suggested and didn't see that. Am I missing something?
  5. Which flavors do you prefer? I know it's personal preference, but I have to start somewhere. The ones I have tried is suppose to mimic cigarette flavors like Marlboro, Camel, etc. None of these have that true tobacco flavor to me. Thanks for your advice. And I tend to chain vape. I burn out punch hole cartomizers in my tank on a daily basis. I go through a tank of juice daily and usually 2 mega ego batteries. So that being said, I must find juices that I like before I am completely out of my current supply. Again, thanks for any advice.
  6. Ok so I am a noobie here, but I have been vaping for over a year. I have tried many different flavors of juice. I still like the tobacco flavor. I have been using silver leaf tobacco non-menthol from pure smoker. So now that they are gone and I haven't been able to find a juice that I like, I need suggestions. I have looked at the vape dudes website, but where to start? I do not want a cigar or pipe flavor. So I am looking to you for suggestions, please.
  7. Thanks to all of you. I don't know how to post a pic. I took one to send you, but can't post it. But, I will try to tell you what I have. It's a tank with punch hole cartomizer. I use silver leaf tobacco vg non-menthol (I had an allergic reaction to pg). The guy I get it from purchased from pure smoker the silver leaf tobacco juice. But I guess they aren't in business anymore or don't carry it. So I have to meet with him on Monday to choose a different flavor. When I first started vaping, I went between 3 different tobaccos, some fruity flavors and ones like chocolate, vanilla, etc. But after about 6 months I settled on liking just one and it's the silver leaf tobacco. Now I have to get a new flavor. And I think my batteries are ecig. The longer one. I go through a tank per day of the juice or 1&1/2 and burn out about 1 cartomizer per day. Sometimes I can get 2 fills on them, but most of the time just 1. and again thanks to all of you.
  8. Hello, I am new here, but have been vaping for a year now. I go to a local guy to get my vaping supplies and he mixes the ejuice and tells me about new stuff he finds. I really don't know the names of things I use. He did inform me today that the ejuice I have been using isn't available anymore. I currently use silver leaf tobacco nonmenthol vg. Any suggestions? Thanks for letting me join and any helpful hints. Oh and I do chain vape and burn the cartomizers up on a daily basis.
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