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  1. I envy you guys for having the luxury to purchase those stuff legally. Here in our place - it's a complete gun-ban. Even my license had took me into custody for some minutes of interview. tsk.
  2. Working at home, got some few writing jobs online. I'm about to start my own novel book as well, hopefully It'll make some noise to the people.
  3. Hi. I just wonder how do you deal with those snakes considering they're very poisonous and a bite will have a really great chance of setting you free in this world. I'm afraid of snakes for that reason anyway.
  4. haha. Your jokes were so good man. Please post more of this kind, I really do like it and been laughing out loud for all this.
  5. I've noticed that as well. Me too I'm kind of a deep thinker. I used to think stuff on its detail or sometimes, thinking is just way relaxing than doing anything.
  6. So nice to know people sorting to this habit instead of the usual one. Goodluck with that anyway.
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