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Everything posted by BigLiquid530

  1. If you still have the Rasta Blood I'll take it even though you posted in September
  2. Can't wait I'm waiting for my first 30ml bottle in the mail as we speak
  3. I've never really thought about spending that much money on a tank system but I was really impressed with it. That thing puts out clouds it's have to step my coil building up a notch if I ever get it
  4. 8 coils would be insane might have to pick one up
  5. Just got some juice from Vapin In The Cape and I can say all 5 bottles are un-vapeable Flavors are: French Toast Spearmint Strawberry Cheesecake Fruity Loops PB&J They all smell pretty decent in the bottle but when I try to Vape them it's just horrible. Almost like they have curry or something in them. I'm letting them steep hopefully that solves the problem but damn not one bottle is good. I almost feel like calling them and asking for a refund or to send me new ones. Has anyone had this problem with there liquid. I have seen some good reviews about there juices do I just don't know, was really looking forward to there juice but now I'm just like damn.
  6. I hand to finally throw my tank away
  7. Zombie Blood is one of my all time favorite juice
  8. I like to use cotton gives me better flavor but I guess it's personal preference. I also have been doing micro coils for the last month and so far it's working out pretty good, it's not that hard just have to play with the coils do you don't get hot spots
  9. I have M16 clone from fasttech and its a really nice mod. The only thing with these mods I dont like is the aluminum threads, but I just bought an air flow controller for like $3 problem solved and looks awesome with my RDA.
  10. They will be okay just was a tuff last 2 games. Packers got lucky that Calvin didnt play so they could just put 8 in the box on Reggie. Saints are just playing ridiculous right now, I mean they would beat Denver if they played, but just my opinion.
  11. Go Bears It was a tuff loss against the Saints
  12. So far in 3 months of vaping I have converted 4 people, which makes me happy because they are all good friends of mine. Always looking to push e-cigs on people I know and love...
  13. Yeah I can't even stand the smell especially when my friends that cime over and smell like smoke.
  14. Blu Cigs Fake Ego Crap from local shop Halo Triton Starter Kit which I love and still use K101 Mech Mod Vamo 4
  15. I just always try to keep hydrated
  16. I usually get my juice from Mt. BAKER vapor, and GoodLife Vapor Hardware I just really search around from the web for the lowest price
  17. Provari just my opinion
  18. 4 volts on my Vamo 4
  19. I'll get up to use the bathroom, or get a drink of water and have to take a couple of puffs
  20. I use butter pecan at home in the car pineapple peach at work ecto cooler
  21. Right now I'm hooked on pineapple peach from MVB
  22. I like both but I prefer RDA. To me I get the best flavor out of my e-juice, and I actually like making micro coils, friendly haven't mastered it but still is a learning experience
  23. Hey everyone I've been vaping for 3 months and once I started I never picked up an analog since. You can also catch me on the e-cigaratteforum.com Glad to be apart of this community
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