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  1. Congrats man the world of rba and rdas is just something amazing. its like fixing an old car when it done you can reap the rewards and if you dont like the build or quality of the vape redo it
  2. also to say this on one note i don't see why people get so upset of something its just a forum and whether its opinon or facts i mean we all got off analogs to find something healthier and there is alot of companies that make really good liquid now i don't agree with having dirty utensils and that's what i was referring to earlier in one of my earlier post but the point is when the FDA comes down that may be the end of this at home mixing unless you can provide a clean room or a laboratory setting and honestly I've bought some liquid from the flea market and its been decent but i don't trust it and i was not going to buy a pack of analogs
  3. just thought i would say this crap wont vape out of my trident but seriously everyone brought good comments but i'm a clean freak about my food or anything i ingest and that video is really comforting and to know some companies are going to great lengths to provide such quality products and i think thats something we can all agree on
  4. I believe what ecloud is referring to is the unprofessional-ism that some of the b&m stores have when it comes to mixing liquid and yeah I might sound snobby but when mixing it has always been my concern when im at home to have the cleanest area possible and because of these companies just doing a quick job on mixing and not even doing in batches it could put the industry down because it could later bring health concern you know with syringes i want to see you have a clean syringe before you squirt the flavoring in the base you know i dont want remnants of tobacco flavor in my lemon lime mix or my blueberry juice.
  5. I started with the blu than moved to the volcano inferno with their brand of ce2 clearomizers and than i moved to boge 2.0 ohm cartomizers and ego-c twist than progressed into the carto tanks because amount of liquid it could hold and than i went on a mod shopping spree bought about 15 different mods between variable voltage mods to maechinals i than found myself trading some mods away and found the world of unicorn mods and ever since than been stuck in the world of rebuilables and trades trying to find my best vape possible and i still continue to look with everything booming in the vape industry
  6. I have used Vape Dudes numerous times.. I have found you have to be selective about what you order along the lines of liquids. Some of the liquids in the sample order I received left a lot to liked as far as flavoring. Perhaps that is why they offer the option for "Extra flavoring". Their processing and shipping was very slow also. Their 10ml's are priced right at $5.99. However, their 30ml's are what I perceive to be more than a little too high....
  7. I would still prefer $10 for a 30ml no extra flavoring needed..
  8. I've had really good experiences with Fuzion's juice. I will rant a little about them though. While the juice was magnificent, they messed up my order twice as far as the nicotine strength goes. But, Shane who is the owner, fixed that problem right away. Another word of advice ; don't order from them when you need juice fast there. Processing time was super slow but, they do get a ton of orders.. Soooo..
  9. hahahahaha.. No pie for me.. Just some great e-liquid and I'm good to go....
  10. Unicorn Blood 35/65 pg/vg from Fusion Vapor and Watermelon Bubblegum 70/30 pg/vg from E-Cloud Vapes.
  11. Been using MyVapeStore for hardware and VapeDudes for liquids but, I believe I have found a new home for liquids. E-Cloud Vapes. A co-worker found them online. She had ordered Watermelon Bubblegum 8mg. I tried some using my V3 Sentential with a Nimbus atomizer. I was very impressed and ordered my own. The prices were good. The only problem is they only offer 70/30 pg/vg respectively. I prefer either 50/50 or even 100% vg. Nevertheless, the juice was very good. They don't mix their own liquids. They sell NicVape's but, at a much cheaper price than you can get it from NicVape directly. $10.00 for a 30ml.. Worth giving a shot..
  12. i got a couple of bottles from there and im kinda a juice snob because ive been spoiled by high end juice but i must say that I'm in love with E-clouds Liquid its a 70/30 Pg/Vg and i like heavy VG but this liquid vapes really really well i got the blueberry and watermelon bubblegum and it so delicious not to sweet and not to strong let me know if anyone has tried any of their liquid
  13. Welcome i hope you enjoy your experience
  14. Rebuilding is fun mani do it all the time but what kind of juice do you use?
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