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    Smokemare got a reaction from vaporist in Night(smoke)mare   
    Smokemare here,if you read my name it is related to nightmare.I've been smoked for almost 8 years and i stopped because my first son born.Here i am,kind of newbie in this area.Have been vaping for 4 months.
    How about you?Feel free to talk about yourself.
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    Smokemare reacted to Christie in focalecig.com?legitimate?   
    couldnt hve said it better myself .
    actually, Yes I could have because I would have added
  3. Like
    Smokemare reacted to spydre in focalecig.com?legitimate?   
    Most of my hardware comes from Discount Vapers, that is, except for like, Evods, which I just pick up at the local B&M stores, or I'll pick up a box of coils from there. Where in Missouri are you at? Depending on where you are, you may have some B&M stores close to you.
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    Smokemare reacted to bcartervol98 in focalecig.com?legitimate?   
    I have not found a reason to stray from

    Discount Vapers
    Vape Dudes
    The Veteran Vaper

    All American companies, all great products and customer service. At this point I do not even look anywhere else.
  5. Like
    Smokemare reacted to Bebop in focalecig.com?legitimate?   
    Focal price?

    I could not find focal ecig....

    Okay.... I found it.

    Looks legit. It's a Chinese site. Why not pick something local? Prices aren't that great. I suppose it depends on what you're looking for
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