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Everything posted by kfer008

  1. I have the ego-c and it's working well, a bit of problems or new user mishaps, but already thinking of upgrading. How does the kager work for you?
  2. To be very honest I'm very new to this and I'm looking at my manual to figure out what's the wick or carto. I'm using the ego-cc
  3. I'm very new to this but this are it. Blu is my back up haha
  4. So I have a ego-cc, earlier today while I was using it, it worked just fine I noticed a bit of a sizzle and I'm guessing it's the juice that's being heated also while I was vaping I noticed like a bubble sound. Also didn't think much of it. About 3 hours later I picked it up to use it and noticed the taste, I have Blue Hawaiian flavor by the way, it now taste like a burnt flavor. Earlier it was rich in sweet flavor and not anymore. Any idea what it might be or what I can do? I'm very new to this. Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong area.
  5. Thanks guys, I find myself smoking this more than my one cig a week. Dont know if that's bad or not.
  6. Oh ok, for a second I thought I had did something wrong. Thanks
  7. So far it's been great, I noticed that when I held the button down for about 5 seconds before inhaling, it made a kind if bubbly piping sounds don't know if that's normal. The device itself is awesome though.
  8. Welcome, I'm myself am pretty new to this just bought my new ecig this weekend, and also live in Texas.
  9. Hey there guys and girls, I'm new to this forum and to vaping if that's the correct way of saying it. I just bought my piece Saturday night and want to get to know more about smoking and the products out there.
  10. Hey there guy and gals, I'm new here and to vaping. Wanted to who has the eGo-CC and what they think of it. Was this a good buy
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