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Everything posted by cpeters1965

  1. I was researching this today and everyone seems to be sold out. So I dug a little deeper for the DIY people here and found this http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-build-an-OHM-Meter-MadVapes/ hoping maybe this will help?
  2. AH ok my spinner is just variable voltage, so working from bottom dial. Dont think I am ready to go both vw and vv! I may keep it high for awhile till I adjust. Do you think I should get some higher ohm coils?
  3. bcartervol98, Thank you for the reply! Interesting I am finding so far I am getting more flavor at about midway to 4.3 to 4.3. Could it be because tastebuds are still reapiring?
  4. Right now swapping between ECBlends Absinthe and Whiskey flavors Absinthe is almost spot on full licorice flavor with a hint of anise and spice Whiskey is whiskey-ish could use a bit more flavor (for me) but otherwise quite puffable!
  5. bcartervol98, I just ordered 10 1.8 ohm coils for my t3s's so I have them. I have started washing my old coils and then soaking in vodka to make sure they last a bit. Will 1.8 be ok with the new spinner? I am looking to pull more flavor out of my puffs.
  6. Spydre, Pretty much and that has been spotty as of late too. Company reorginazation woes. I work from home so once all is covered I am in for the month. Why I am getting off analogs, the stress had me chaining like a fiend. I still prolly vape too much but I am felling better. Gonna be some re budgeting going on after this one
  7. just picked up 10 1.8 ohm coils for my T3S's. Then I am gonne be hurtin, no cash till november! :-(
  8. spydre, thank you for the reply! I am still beginning here so still trying to find what I like (hence the test tanks) I have absinthe, expresso, whiskey and brandy coming today to test and the new spinner. I then have to learn how to use that as well I also have some french vanilla and rasberry from greenman coming too. So I will probably asking a lot of questions on my path. Good to see you are doing better and will light a candle for you
  9. Congratulations!
  10. Good afternoon everyone! My Ec blends juices are coming today so be ready for a review! I do have some questions regarding coils and tanks. Currently I have 2 kanger T3s tanks, a Tabac BCC tank, and 3 Kanger Esmart Clearomizer tanks (those are going to be my test tanks). I am now looking at getting coils for these as from reading here I understand the coils wear out (can they be cleaned? Saw a lot of youtube but still unsure) Looking at Discount Vapes and vapehut I see the coils for these BCC units but am unsure as to if they will work with both the Kanger and the Tabacc. Can you please steer me straight on these? Also how many should I have as backups? And how many backup tanks? My spinner comes in today too! I am pretty stoked!
  11. BootHill99, I am really excited about the Absinthe and thank you for the update! I will look at the Dragon's blood, as I am very new currently trying what I know I like in their mundane forms (whickey espresso etc) I am also looking hard at some vanilla's and root beers for fun flavors.
  12. Bebop and Rixter, lol thank you for the clarification! afraid my upbringing it had different connotataions, thvapor said no insult and I believe him. All good, back to waiting on my liquids to test!
  13. thvapor, no worries, just wasn't sure.
  14. thvapor Not sure if your being insulting. That would be sad. I am new to this and trying what I like in other areas with it. 5ml is a good start for teststing and if I like it I can always buy more. My current battery is a ego knockoff of dubious quality given to me and many recommended the spinner here. Is that so bad?
  15. Spydre, Thank you for the reply! I went to vapegut and ordered 3 kanger esmart clearomizers 1.3 ml 2.2 ohm for these. As a vision spinner is coming as well I hope to get a good test in! My previous order came today from vapehue of 1 kanger T3-Tabacc 3ml bcc and 2 Kanger T3S BCC's as well as replavement coils for the T3S, just have to find out how to tell the difference in the OHM's on the coils!
  16. so far the few I ahave tried at regular strength (for me) have been bland so I am going 1 extra now to see. I can always dial it back or up if I need to. I will let everyone know!
  17. So ordered this AM and also got a vision spinner in the process ! Thinking get some disposables to test with? Opinion? Absinthe - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG Battery - Vision - Spinner Color: Black, Bourbon - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG Charger - SmokTech - 510 USB Battery Charger - 420mah (Unit Size: Single Unit) Espresso Shot - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml $2.50, Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG Whiskey - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG
  18. Just ordered a "taste test" set for myself from EC Blends and somehow ordered a vision spinner! I only ordered 5ml of each to try them and yes extra flavor in all (I'm one of those who like it to kick you in the teeth sort, plus can reorder at lower for a variable) Should I pick up a couple of cartos to test these or just keep washing my tank? Absinthe - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG Battery - Vision - Spinner Color: Black, Bourbon - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG Charger - SmokTech - 510 USB Battery Charger - 420mah (Unit Size: Single Unit) Espresso Shot - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml $2.50, Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG Whiskey - eLiquid Flavor Bottle Size: 5 ml Additional Flavoring: Extra Flavor, Nic Strength: 24 mg - Strong, Base Mix: 50% PG / 50% VG 1
  19. Rixter, I already decided going to get all 3 in the morning to try and review for the board. You all have helped me a great deal only fair I pay a little back :-)
  20. Good afternoon all! One of my companions was a dear today and got me 2 cartomizers while waiting on my order from Vape Hut! 2 T3's! She also picked up a rasberry 24n/mg from a company called vaporblunt (anyone hear of them?) It's nice but need stronger (my taste buds are shot after years of Maverick full flavor 100's) I have been perusing the board and saw ec blends come up several times with good reviews. I looked at their site and saw 3 I would like everyone who has tried them's opinion The absinthe The Cognac The Whisky and The espresso shot I would be ordering 36n and prolly 5-10 ml to start has anyone tried these and what are your opinions?
  21. I am a network technician for a large photographic company, and a event model photographer. Pretty much work at home so can vape all day
  22. Kitsune, Mine is not a variable voltage. I am looking hard at the vision spinners for if I upgrade! :-D Now need to find couple of juices I will like. I just received my chocolate tobaccot from mtbakervapor. Going to be looking for a good coffee and maybe either a whiskey or cognac/brandy flavor (the fruit ones I have tried I have disliked all of them)
  23. So I pulled the trigger on my first order. I ordered from Vape Hut: Kanger T3-Tabac 3ml BCC (Bottom coil clearomizer) - black 1 of these Kanger T3S BCC Clearomizer - black 2 of these Kanger Replacement Coil for BCC clearomizers 2 of these Kanger T3S BCC Replacement Coil (single) - 1.8 1of these Kanger T3S BCC Replacement Coil (single) - 2.2 1 of these and should see them in a couple days . Hope I got the right things, still all confusing to me!
  24. So I pulled the trigger on my first order. I ordered from Vape Hut: Kanger T3-Tabac 3ml BCC (Bottom coil clearomizer) - black 1 of these Kanger T3S BCC Clearomizer - black 2 of these Kanger Replacement Coil for BCC clearomizers 2 of these Kanger T3S BCC Replacement Coil (single) - 1.8 1of these Kanger T3S BCC Replacement Coil (single) - 2.2 1 of these and should see them in a couple days . Hope I got the right things, still all confusing to me!
  25. Here is how mine is threaded: What am I looking for?
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