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Everything posted by cpeters1965

  1. Today is a custom blend I made from EC Blends I call pirate grog, tis rum and lime. Light and sweet/sour.
  2. right now a blend from a new vendor I am trying out zeus ejuice. So far quite tasty. Believe it will be awesome sauce after a week or 2 of aging
  3. I recently did a cyber monday sale from them and the juices I ordered arrived today. Being impatient I opened one right now popped in a T3s and a new out of foil coil . WOW! even w/out steeping/aging this stuff is tasty! I picked up aphrodite's breath which has notes of chocolate and strawberry in it
  4. cool looking now. also at the nitecore intelligent charger and batteries. this will be awhile as I have jeep repairs and a new computer to build for photo editing *SIGH*
  5. bcarter, my understanding of the vamo2 is that it wont fit a t3s? did I read wrong on that?
  6. So far everything I have seen/read about the vamo I like. I may get a rebuildable as well just to see what the hype is..
  7. I admit I am looking hard at a protank and maybe a davide. Then again I am also looking very hard at a vamo5 as I want to up the game a little. I love my spinner but it dies after 8 hrs and I am back to the original that brought me here the ecto 1100 garage e stick that brought me here to you all. I am a tank user as I cant drip at my job ( both hands in use)
  8. Bcarter and everyone else thank you for the replies! Currently I am vaping 70/30 PG/VG ratio, nothing truly acidic. I threw out the stock coils when I got them from reading posts here . Currently I rebuild my coils while sitting at work using rixter's post and some you tube videos. I am using 3mm silica and 32G Kanthal A-1 wire. my normal is about 6 wraps, clip test on ohmmeter, if good dryburn and load wick and cap. No offense is taken from anyone as I am trying to figure this out.
  9. ok right now vaping some MBV mango and so far so good! It's popping a bit but thats fine. will keep you all posted as the tank dwindles.
  10. I just rebuilt one right now, 32 guage kanthal 6 wraps. 3mm wrap and 3mm wick, letting it soak with juice now and will let everyone know. came to a 2.1 ohm (yes I tested it lol)
  11. Tameiki, That is possible. I use 3mm for the wire wrap and a 2 mm for the wick, maybe go to 3mm on both?
  12. Good afternoon/eving/day everyone! Sorry I have not been around but is busy season here at work so I will be mostly vacant till after January. I have a problem as of late that is driving me bots! I use all Kanger T3s tanks and rebuild the coild on them. Lately though my tanks start gurguling and seem to have a lot of moisture/juice in the center tubes and I am at a loss to explain why! Does anyone else have this issue and what would be the best way to resolve it? As always thanks in advance to a great group of educators/vapers!
  13. I can wait a month easy! need to save for it anyway, just more concerned on nic strength. I do definately want to try it!
  14. does Murdoc's Pluid come in 24mg nicotine. Checked the site but didnt see it. Someday really want to try it.
  15. 100' 32g Kanthal A-1 from Temco
  16. I just pulled the trigger on 3 juices from EC Blends myself Chocolate Malt 15Ml 24Mg double flavoring 70/30 pg/vg French Vanilla 15Ml 24Mg double flavoring 70/30 pg/vg and making one of my own: I call it Pirate Grog 50% Rum 50% Lime 15Ml 24Mg double flavoring 70/30 pg/vg I got double strength on all as otherwise I cannot taste it (this is any vendor I have tried so far) and EC Blends have a great product from what I have ordered in the past (cept their coffee, was blech to me)
  17. Today is Mango 24mg Nic from Mt Baker Vapor with an extra flavor shot
  18. Tameiki and Bebop , Thank you, still learning here!
  19. Tameiki, Please enlighten me, what are these?
  20. Stopped by the new http://www.thevaporgirl.com/ B&M Friday. I ended up buying some clove, cuba libre and chocolate and rasberry ejuice and a couple new tanks. So far I am realy liking the chocolate and rasberry juice!
  21. Currently swapping between mango and root beer from mt bakor vapor, extra shot each. Loving them
  22. I apologize for so long in replying, work is kicking my butt! I am attempting to rebuild the coil on a Kanger t3s tank/coil I am following what I saw :http://youtu.be/PtS1xyoCME8 here and not sure where I am messing up. I will add photos later this week I promise! 2 marathon model shoots and a bunch of pickups so has been busy here.
  23. I think I am doing something wrong or my build is off. Currently using 32G Kanthal A-1 wire a 3mm silica for the wick and a 2mm for the wicking. Getting 1.5 OHM np and nice glow but seems like the draw is "airy" and no flavor.
  24. Good afternoon all, I was sitting bored here at work and started youtubing vape videos. I came across rebuiding my coils. My first reaction was "It CAN'T be that easy! Just like recoiling a alternator!" Then I saw what was used and was "wait a minute" and rummaged through my prop building box and guess what? a spool of kanthal a1 32 guage I had for making foam cutters!Ordered some 3mm and 2mm wicks and am going to take a stab at it. Looking at more videos it seems to get more vape and flavor, I want to use less coils? Is this right? I was going to do a basic 3/4 wrap. Opinions? Want images when I do it? :-)
  25. KingKong2177, Your in Boone, hello! Chapel Hill here! You may want to try vapehut.com. They are in wilmington and have great service. There are also a boatload of shops in the cary, raleigh areas. Welcome to the forums!
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