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Everything posted by Sweatervest13

  1. I DIY too, so I have many sample bottles laying around. BUt I usually keep around 5-8 in rotation. 2-3 for ADV and a few for a little change of pace flavor sometimes. I will often go back to a flavor I did not like and find that my pallet has changed and now I do like it. Weird how that works sometimes. I tried a few juices that were my fav's when I first started... Kinda gross now. I'll say this... No one can tell you how many juices is too little or too much. Personal preference goes a long way for vaping. Some people say a cucumber tastes better pickled, but I don't know... lol
  2. Nice work!!
  3. I had quit analogs for almost a full year (pack a day before I quit). Started cheating while out with friends, slowly became a regular smoker again, but added dipping so I did not stink at work. I really wanted to stop smoking and dipping after a year of falling off the wagon. I picked up a Blu and a no name brand e-cig at my regular smoke shop. It helped, but was not satisfying. I googled vapor chat forums, and found this place. I researched here, and found that there were some better devices that could actually produce a decent amount of vapor. I asked where I could find a good starter kit, and what I should buy to start. I ordered my Vision Spinner kit with some CE4's and EVOD's and some juice. Funny enough, I could not wait for the kit to come, so I went back to my local smoke shop and purchased a 650 mah kit (it had proprietary treading, not 510) to "try". I still had a couple analogs each day until I finished the pack. Like some others here, I found when I was vaping and smoking that I favored the e-cig. I would have a analog burning in the ashtray, and unknowingly grab the e-cig and vape away. After a week or so I had no desire to smoke. I think finding a juice that you like helps a lot. At first I could not find a B&M store to sample flavors, so I would order online and hope I liked the flavor (most of them I did not love). I finally found a couple B&M stores to sample before I bought... It opened a whole new world for me. I have since started DIY'ing juice with some friends that I converted over to vaping and could not be happier. It is nice to be able to tune in a mix (pg/vg ratio) and strength (started at 24 mg's down to 12 mg). Smoking was never a hobby for me... I would never join a smoking chat forum, or get all excited to go buy a pack ( I would get very moody if I did not go buy the pack, but I was never excited). Vaping, DIY'ing juice, and rebuilding is fun for me.
  4. MVP 2 HH.357 2.0 Ω, DIY juice (Hawaiian Punch, Kiwi, Mountain Dew).
  5. I'll look it up for sure. I really don't mind it for the commute (45-60 minute, each way) but it's a metro area so plenty of red lights, and now having 3 x .357's and plenty of mods helps. I love them in my MVP 2, I use the beauty ring as a shield and a protank drip tip. I dig the slim profile. Although the long barrel on my K100 with that drip tip and shield looks pretty BA too.
  6. I got real used to the short and have been favoring that even though I have both. Lol. It is a warmer vape. I do get some spitting too in the short. Who knows what I'll end up liking best?? I'll i know is the HH.357 is no joke. I bought a bunch of new vaping gear. Mod, KFL clone and like 4 other RBA's & RDA's. Bunch of wire and cotton to build. It all just sits and I go nuts on the .357's Go figure.
  7. I would say stealth vape at a minimum. I would never vape in a retail store ( a bar, maybe { in a bar at night, for sure}). But that's just me. I agree with the others. Don't give the opposition any ammunition.
  8. I got a HH .357 short barrel about 6 weeks ago. LOVE IT!! I had been using KPT2's (rotating 4 of them). Once I got used to using the .357 I have not touched a Protank. I ended up ordering 2 more HH.357 long barrel's. I got all my vaping friends hooked as well...Avidvapers owes me a referral fee. LOL. Tam is right, friends don't let friends drip and drive. Red lights are cool though, right? bawhahaha
  9. What equipment are you using?? I agree with others that bumping up mg amount may fix it. But sometimes if you are using entry level equipment, upgrading equipment may help more than up-ing mg's.
  10. This makes no sense to me.
  11. That's where I got Totes Jelly from. LOL. My wife said I do need to stop using "amazeballs" though. haha
  12. That is awesome to hear guys!! Its amazing to see the improvement in what we can do physically once we get off the analogs. I am still seeing some improvement in my "wind", but I have a little cough and congestion for the last little while that is still holding me back a bit. Keep the good stories coming folks!!
  13. Totally Jealous. Its what the young people say.
  14. Totes Jelly!! I ordered a 3.1 clone, but that won't come until (fingers crossed it comes before) Christmas. Shoot, even the clone is the most expensive piece of vaping gear I have purchased. LOL.
  15. So... This is just for the laugh... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHBK4Er93II I do not mean to offend. But the OP did kinda own you on that one.
  16. That is complete BS. Sending out used gear is super shady. Even if they "fix" the issue through their ticket system. It sounds like it was a tester unit in a B&M store. Did the item state that it may be "used" when you purchased it? If not, then I would not purchase from them again. Unless they have a very good excuse (sometimes mistakes do happen, and everyone deserves a second chance). My $.02 SV
  17. PG= more Throat Hit (TH) VG= more Smoke Vapor production The higher nicotine level will increase the TH as well. If you are waiting for the 50/50 stuff to come in, it should be a lot smoother. Do you have any other Atty's coils for your Mini PT2? Maybe try some different Ω coils to see if that smooths out the vapor a bit for you ( you might need to play around with the voltage to find a sweet spot). HTH's SV
  18. I picked one of these bad boys up and tried it for the first time the other day. First few hits= yuck (even after watching the video like 3 times on how to prep it and blowing out the priming fluid). But after that... Pow!! Right in the kisser!! I am learning how exactly to draw off the .357 to get the best hit. If I don't suck steadily I get a dry hit or bad taste. But... That is the deal everyone says on this atty's, there is a learning curve, but once you get it down, it really is good. I made a mistake and ordered the short barrel... Next time I would order the long barrel for sure!!
  19. WOW, that is a bummer!! Looks like its time to upgrade to glass tanks.
  20. 101vapes.com has the package (K100) with batteries and the charger for like $33.00. I grabbed one about a month ago, and LOVE it! Upgrade the charger and batteries though. I have used a KPT2 on it and really like it, but I am also able to put a Trident RBA on there with a dual coil (.70 Ω) and blow clouds (you need to know your battery safety information before you sub ohm!!!).
  21. I feel that it is a little rude to go into a B&M shop and try out their gear, with no intention to buy from them, but rather buy the same item online. They have a lot of costs to keep the lights on and to stock their shelves for a person to just want to "test" stuff but never intend on buying. I know that this practice has been going on since online shopping started. But, most will do this at a big box corporate store, not a mom and pop B&M local shop. Everyone knows that prices online will be cheaper than at a B&M, but are willing to pay a little extra to tryout and feel an item. If you just go in to "window" shop and purchase online, you are slowly putting the B&M out of business. I don't think that most B&M's can stay in business selling a random pack of coils to someone every couple of weeks. But that is just my opinion.
  22. Heck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Way to get back into it!!! That is what I was talking about. For a lot of sports you can kinda coast a bit. For hockey it is 100% for your entire shift (about 1 minute long) then rest for a minute, then back on the ice going 100%. You demand a lot from your "wind" during a game or pick up skate. This is what I was questing with my first post. I am finding that it has not improved as much as I would have thought, but after reading all of your guys posts, it looks like it just takes a bit more time. That works for me!! I am glad to see that there are a pretty decent amount of active folks here on this forum. For me, I have had times in my life that the desire comes and goes, but for the most part I would rather go out and do something physical than sit on the couch. Plus, being active makes sitting down and relaxing more enjoyable for me. Although, I have been know to get eaten by the couch-monster a weekend or two here and there. LOL.
  24. This is very good to hear!! Yeah, you can still get a good lung burn just by pushing your cardio limits.
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