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Everything posted by Slickstick

  1. I can't believe what I am reading here. So waldo and spikey and a few others like to party. Big deal. It takes a lot of hard work, knowledge and red tape to get something like this done, and done quickly. This video was MUCH better than the first one I saw. And I liked it a lot. There is always room for improvement on any video. You need to understand that I have met Spikey and I know first hand how hard it is for her even not to curse. Too pull off what I just saw had to take a gigantic effort. It doesn't matter to me that she doesn't have a masters in English or that maybe they cant afford a quality camera to shoot the video. At least somebody is doing something to help the cause. I am glad you posted that Chris! I think it's great!
  2. I vaped in the pool hotel a few weeks ago. got water all over it. Sealed manual 510 It kept on working fine. I've also dropped it in a sink and it still worked. I suppose if it left say in a bathtub all night, the threads will corrode and it would need a good isopropyl bath. If the battery itself does not flood too bad. They are ok to use in the rain.
  3. Making zero mg nic juice is extremely easy. Just go buy some USP grade vegetable glycerin -HUMCO (VG) in the first aid section from Walmart and order some Loranns super strength flavorings online. Make the VG bottle 1/4 flavoring to 3/4 VG and your ready to vape zero nic. If you think it is too thick just add distilled water to the next 3/4 vg mix until you get the thickness you want. You will not get any nicotine or throat hit, but you will have flavor and vapor.
  4. It should wick fine. It might work better if you "dunk" the foam into the liquid in the cart. If it is saturated, it may work better. I cut mine the same width as the cartridge. Folded my 1/2 inch piece in half, dunked it, pulled it out to add more liquid to the cartridge since the blue foam soaks up a bunch, stuck it back in and vaped away. If it doesn't wick well it is most likely too thick or too long. You only need a small piece to "plug" the juice filled cart. It can be a pain for many, but once you figure it out it usually satisfies most users. I wouldn't have recommended it after trying all those types of filters if I didn't believe in it. It really does a great job if you can figure it out. I had a video around somewhere on an old youtube account.
  5. You could be melting a cartridge if you are tasting plastic, sometimes if they melt you have a very good atomizer and they need to be aligned properly. The rectangle end of the cartridge should be lined up with the rectangle piece inside the atomizer. Lining them up the same way will keep it from melting. The chemical taste could be factory primer in the atomizer. It is usually best to blow them out, even when new, over a sink. Get all of the chemicals out and then vape the atomizer without inhaling for a minute. Drip 2 drops directly onto the wick of the the atomizer and try it again. The only time I have found the blue foam tasting bad is if you do not wash it in the first place or rinse it enough. It is also not 100% impossible that you may simply just have crappy juice. When the cartridge runs low of juice, it will also start to taste bad when using the blue foam, until you refill it. If you can't get it down the silver screen mod works well. That or just dripping.
  6. I liked the 510 so much I quit smoking and I wasn't even trying to quit. I liked it so much in fact that now I actually sell the 510's. I haven't tried the m602 but it does look a bit like the 510.
  7. Marineland "Rite Size U" is the best blue foam to use for refilling your stock cartridges. Yank that nasty factory filter out of there. Wash and rinse the blue foam first. You only need a small piece to plug the juice into the cartridge. It doesn't go bad quick like the factory fluval or ptb
  8. lol That is my post. I didn't realize people lurked on other forums.. HAHA I feel famous. I still highly recommend the blue foam. You just have to make sure it is washed and rinsed before you use it. 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, folded in half, and stuck into an almost full cart.
  9. Check the threads of the atty and battery and clean them when they build up with gunk. Maybe people think their atomizer is dead when actually it may just be flooded. If you blow all the liquid out of the atomizer over a sink (with your mouth) and then vape without inhaling until it is dry you can reprime it with a few drops on the wick and it should work like new.
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