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About DanO

  • Birthday 07/10/1980

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    Middle TN

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  1. I have heard it described like an automatic transmission vs a stick shift. Both of them have there pros and cons. I'll just take one(or more) of each please! The Vamo was a great mod for me to start with but now that I know more about what's going on I can't wait to play with a mechanical. I LOVE the fact that they are affordable, simple, durable, reliable, and like IMEDIC said, no holds barred! BTW, I ordered the brass M16 this morning. Planning on making it a daily driver if I can. These things are just too sexy to get banged up!
  2. This! love mine and have nothing bad to say about it other than the gun metal finish. Stay away from it! Spend the extra few bucks and get it in stainless. I have a stainless one on the way for this reason only... Fasttech has about the best deal going on them and a kit with a nice charger and batteries to boot. Do it!!!
  3. Link for the air flow controller please! I think I will get an M16 on the way with my next Fasttech order. I did some more searching and found the Smok Magneto. I'm really digging it and it has great reviews. Got one on the way from Triangle Vape http://trianglevape.com/magneto/. Should be in this week. Woot!
  4. Thanks dragongunner. I did not notice the different buttons until you said something. Vapor Break does seem a little sketchy to me. I just checked out the real deal Smoketech(telescope 5) at my local vape store and was a little underwhelmed. I guess I also need to start looking into some good batteries to power it. Here we go again!
  5. Thanks for the feed back guys! Wow, the Nemesis clone looks awesome! Found a little better deal/in stock for it from Vapor Break. Anyone have an opinion on ordering from those guys? I love stainless and aluminum but want to stay away from plating and any kind of aluminum threads. I would also like to play with sub ohm and other hot setups down the road.
  6. Now that I know enough to be dangerous, I want a mechanical for several reasons. I might hate it so I am not looking to spend much. Looks like Fasttech has some smokin deals. Here is what I have narrowed them down to: Private 2 http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005273/1429500-private-v2-telescoping-mech-mod-e-cigarette Sentinel M16 http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005307/1425200-sentinel-m16-mod-telescoping-e-cigarette-battery Telescope 5 http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10005189/1475405 The only thing that has me held up is the brass look on the first two(I can probably get over that) and the lack of reviews on the Telescope. Let me know what you guys think. Also, I'm not stuck on Fasttech or just these mods.
  7. You just described my whole life!
  8. I still can't find any thing that can beat this for the money: https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10004394/1395801-vamo-v3-5-in-1-variable-voltage-mod-e-cigarette Still loving my Vamo V3! I'm still a newbie and the V3 is the first and only mod I have. I have been using it non stop with no issues. My advice is to spend the few extra bucks and get the stainless version with the good charger/batteries(see link above). Also another vote for the Kanger pro tank. I'm still playing with different tanks though...
  9. After my $100 "buy in" I thought I was good to go for a while... Nope! Got a nice order on the way and have been working up a great story to keep me out of the dog house. Already have my eye on some other goodies that I can't live without...
  10. Woot!!! Keep it up man!
  11. Yup! I would love to see some pics.
  12. Haha no, I just like them that much!
  13. As an OCD car guy I have to say, these ultrasonics are freakin amazing! Looks like they can have some cool uses in this hobby also. They have come down in prices over the last few years and you can get into a small unit for not much $$$. I bought this cheepie from Harbor Freight about a year ago and love it! http://www.harborfreight.com/25-liter-ultrasonic-cleaner-95563.html Here is a smaller one made by the same company that would probably be more than enough for cleaning E-Sig parts and steeping juices. http://www.harborfreight.com/ultrasonic-cleaner-3305.html Ladys, these also work great for cleaning jewelry. It will really make em shine! Guys, read above...
  14. Like the title says my good friend(smoker) took a few puffs from my Vamo V3/protech tank the other day and wants me to get him one now! I am still a total newbie and I am still trying to learn and understand all of the lingo, brands/models, ohms/watts/volts, ect... That being said, the only one I have had any experience with is the Vamo. I have been very happy with it so far and was going to get him one also but I wanted to ask you guys before I pulled the trigger. Is there a better setup to get started with than a V3 and a Protank? I was looking at this stainless one with the nicer batteries and charger: http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10004394/1395800-vamo-v3-variable-voltage-mod-e-cigarette-battery Money is not a huge issue but keeping it under $100 for everything would be nice. Let me know what you guys think!
  15. Thanks guys! Yea, the starter kits I looked at seemed a bit high for what you got. The only thing I messed up on is getting the black chrome V3. The chrome Protank just does not look right on it... Works great though!
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