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thvapor got a reaction from MRSpivey in Im back!
Joined these forums back in 2013, when vaping was still new. Took a long break from vaping but have started back up vaping CBD. I no longer vape nicotine but love vaping just the juice. What's the best vape liquid now? Nicoticket was my favorite but it took a down turn.
thvapor got a reaction from Love2VapeDaily in What do you do for a living?
I climb at&t cell towers and vape all the time even on the towers
thvapor reacted to AshtonAshton in What do you do for a living?
I climb cell phone towers for different phone companies and I take down the satellites nd rewire and manage them(: and am able to vape as freely as I want when I'm on the job (except when climbing haha)
thvapor got a reaction from spydre in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Just got my new toy called the ihybrid pure.. using 28 gauge kanthal with mesh and wow this thing hits hard.. -
thvapor reacted to dusher in Leaky Kanger Protank among other problems.
Here is the short version of how to fix kanger leaks and gurgling. There are design problems with the seals, but fortunately there is a real easy fix you can do if you have an extra atomizer handy.
Do a google search for "How To: Fix Kanger EVOD leaking/gurgling issues". http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgodofsteam.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F07%2F12%2Fhow-to-fix-kanger-evod-leakinggurgling-issues%2F&ei=A12SUt6WB8TKrgG6xoFY&usg=AFQjCNHOJtjWIPpv1tabQxkcH5rad8ivNg&sig2=J3qQSo5C_qt-LDjkAgnpqA&bvm=bv.56988011,d.aWM
This article is simple and it works perfectly. Scroll to the bottom of the article and see the last photo. Borrow the top white silicone cap seal off an old atomizer and put it on the atomizer upside down. Leave the original seal in place so there are two seals, one down, one up.
When you put it together, the upside-down seal will hang onto the tube inside the clearomizer.
I have additional information learned by experience: You don't have to tighten the unit onto the battery so tightly because now there is enough rubber to seal the two parts so they don't leak. When you take the unit apart to fill it, the upside-down seal might pop off the tube inside the atomizer. Fish it out and put it back on the atomizer upside down. Be sure to check this otherwise you might damage it forcing the thing back together with a cockeyed seal stuck in the upper housing.
This takes care of leaking, gurgling and air pressure differential issues 100%. It aslo solves the problem of high resistance vaping -- which leads to sucking juice through the wick. The four holes in the atomizer base often get blocked by the battery screw because you have to crank it down to get a seal.
thvapor reacted to Tam in Be concerned?
Did you know that PG is a powerful anti-bacterial? They use it in hospitals as well to kill bacteria.
While I don't want to have someone who is clearly sick and sneezing and coughing all over the place making my juice in filthy conditions, I like to think most places use at least some standard of cleanliness.
thvapor got a reaction from smokepuppy in 3 months vaping ..
Not a big milestone but I'm glad I haven't gone back to analogs.. here's my setup so far.. also my wife vapes so her mvp is with her at work and tanks ...
thvapor reacted to Aquatroy in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Spank!Spank! I called around looking for mini davides..nobody in Denver carries them, I'm gonna change that quick....
thvapor reacted to mule6667 in Can't a smoker catch a break
Started vaping recently in an effort to transition/quit smoking. This method as some may be aware has been utilized by smokers for years. Obviously not in the same format, but the foundation of delivery was the same.
What I find so frustrating is the lose/lose position a smoker is in as far as the perception of regulating entities, and the realization that they perceive e-cigs in a negative light only due to self imposed ignorance on how they handled cigarettes. It's so twisted..the reality of the whole situation is that it simply boils down to money. Our state and federal governments have been milking smokers with heavy tax for years, they advertise this as an incentive to get people to quit. Reality is, they know full well that all this will do is fund them.
Now another possible alternative comes along that isn't introduced by a drug company and they feel the need to put the brakes on. Don't get me wrong...they aren't banning them, but they aren't doing much to support the cause either. I can't say that e-cigs are a silver bullet, but they give people hope of the possibility that they may be able to embrace a viable replacement to cigarettes. If they begin taxing, or harshly regulating this product they do nothing more than show their true colors and just how much they actually care about the health of Americans.
They talk about e-cigs being a gateway to smoking! You have to be kidding me! Nicotine doesn't get you high, sending the user looking for the next progression. Most smokers started by believing it was cool, or to fit in and found themselves hooked. To this day..our government in recent times has less to say about that then e-cigs! It's all about the handout they receive from big tobacco and it's such a transparent stance that it's offensive they believe any sensible person would see this any differently.
God willing, my new e-cig, and the producers of the product help support me as I try to get off of the tobacco train. Lord knows if the dollars in tax I give now change to cents the government will happily determine that they mislabeled the tax as being tobacco, when it was intended to be nicotine.
That happens, it's time to go after all the users of caffeine too, because if their was cigarette with caffeine and no nicotine, rest assured there would be people who'd start using it.
Leave the e-cigs and those of us excited about trying a new quitting option alone! This is what the leaders of this country have preached to us smokers, so put your money where your mouth is and back a healthier alternative rather than thinking about how to make up the revenue difference.
thvapor got a reaction from Rixter in 0.5 ohms but won't fire ...
Well I did away with one coil and it's reading 1.1 ohms.. guys this thing makes rediculous clouds now..
thvapor reacted to Compenstine in 0.5 ohms but won't fire ...
Looks like your coils are way to tight, loosen the wraps with a Xato knife. The top coil in that pic looks smaller that the other and to be touching the base. You should also trim your leeds before testing, helps prevent possable shorts.
thvapor reacted to Tam in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
I don't think so but it might be for others. Our taste buds react to different juices so I can't say how it'll be for you. Luckily, EC Blends sells juices in 5 ml bottles for $2.50 or so -- depending on what you add on. That's a good way to try it to see if it's for you.
thvapor got a reaction from rcoe in First micro coil!
Just learning little spacy at the end but all and all works great.. Got my fav liquid unicorn blood
thvapor reacted to spydre in Weird taste
My issue with cinnamon bun wasn't the tank, but after a while with cinnamon flavors, even if it's just powerdery cinnamon flavoring type like with cinnamon roll or cinnamon bun, after a few hours, you start losing the ability to taste it for even a couple of days sometimes. It's the nature of cinnamon flavoring. You either lose the ability to taste the cinnamon a bit in what I call the powdered cinnamon flavors after a few hours. With the more Inferno/Red Hot/whatever your brand calls that type of flavor (which you HAVE to have glass for), in my experience, one of two things happen (or both) - it either dulls your ability to taste anything else, or for quite a while after you've stopped vaping that flavor, everything you vape will still taste like Inferno or whatever it was.
Another word of warning. Even with the cinnamon roll type flavors, and with citrus as well, keep a good sized bottle of vodka on hand (I tried using a "mini-bar" sized bottle that I got at a gas station for this, but it didn't get the job done, so I ended up buying a larger bottle from the grocery store that worked much better, even though I used the same amount). The mini-bar sized one, which, heck, I can't remember the brand, but it wasn't one I recognized, after eight hours of soaking, I thought the flavor of both the Inferno and the Citrus juice (on an evod tank rather than a KPT 2) was gone, but after sitting for two days with another flavor juice in them, I went to take a hit off the KPT 2, and essentially got hit with a mouthful of a mix of Inferno and Irish Cream that doesn't taste like Irish Cream. With the Citrus tank (in an evod, yes, I know you aren't supposed to use citrus in an plastic tank), I had put some Banana Cream into the tank, and didn't get back to it for a couple days, and when I did I got a vape full of Banana Cream and Jungle Juice.
thvapor reacted to DarkVaper in Weird taste
Oh who cares about pedigree and seniority! Im speaking from actual trials of both tanks. Biggest problem with vaping is waisting money on hyped up gear. I'm pushing the 2000.00 dollar mark, cause I buy on impulse and follow trends. Kanger is trendy, I'll say that for it. I bought 4, but, I prefer the iclear30's. Try one before you kick me again.lol
thvapor got a reaction from DarkVaper in Weird taste
Ordered that mother effer off vaperleaf thanks dark.. I meant like ouch that stinks you spend 20 dollars on a tank for that **** to happen... I got unicorn blood coming today maybe I'll drip it till the 30 arrives
thvapor reacted to DarkVaper in Weird taste
Just sayin...I have bought the regs and minis, originals and the 2's all from Kanger. They are fine, just, not as good as the iclear30. Want taste all day? Go iclear30
thvapor got a reaction from DarkVaper in Weird taste
Ouch that stinks I see a lot of people with these tanks and there's seem fine
thvapor reacted to Aquatroy in Voltage for vision
Really depends on the Vaper, and the juice...start low and gradually twist it up till you find your sweetspot. Always turn it down after a new charge, or a new coil.....
thvapor reacted to wizard46304 in Fusion e liquids?
Strawberry fields is my go to for berry flavor, also order Irish coffee from them. I have a few flavors I get from each vendor I use. Getting ready to try some more fuzion flavors as I only have unicorn blood. -
thvapor reacted to Grant951 in Whatcha Vaping?
Vanilla swirl and drinking a cup of coffee. So delicious.
thvapor got a reaction from Tam in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Still new to vaping but becoming addicted quickly. Got the pro tank 2 and vision spinner 900 mah.