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    south florida

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  1. i have to agree with this big time , earlier today i searched google over and over for FDA/CDC studies on ecigs and all i could come up with was concerns about kids vaping which id have to say i agree with , kids have no buissness doing it hey my opinion .... but as i was saying all i found was the words Regulate this and Regulate that , every other word was Regulate .
  2. I personally started looking into vaping about a month ago , reading all I could find watching every video reading all the avail reports on the topic , and 1 thing strikes me right up front when reading the pro's and Con's and this includes my own personal experience over the past 9 days since I put the cigs down . anyone here remember 714 qualudes back in the day , when the CDC / FDA and whom ever else was involved in that wanted that particular Drug Gone , guess what it just flat disappeared off the planet like in no time . hence year 2013 ......... if the CDC/FDA felt that E-Cigs were so bad and so horrible then why do we have them and why is there a store popping up on darn near every corner ? where I live I personally must have no less then 8 different stores in a 10 mile radius I think we all know full well if they really wanted them gone , they would disappear just like Ludes did years ago . is there something to them who knows all I know is I haven't felt this good or had this much energy in 30+ years
  3. ok heres mine
  4. im vaping a 50/50 mix of 8mg vaporshark " Miami vice " and " mountain dew " tastes pretty good . started out 9 days ago on the nerdz 12mg , taste was good but I found that 12mg was a bit strong so I stepped down to the 8mg like it better .
  5. oh man that first ( 48 ) was brutal for sure it really was ..... I have heard people talk about it , but until I actually walked the walk of that first 48 I had no idea what it was till I did it .......
  6. hummmm an ecig holder , cool idea , where i work we have a carpenter shop with a scrap bin full of materials , and every kind of wood you can imagine ....... looking at that I wonder how that would look made out of 1.5 " plexi glass im looking at a 2x2 scrap piece right now maybe I will cut it down and mess around with a desin and see what I come up with instead of wood
  7. being new and just starting out , I figure im trying to keep a budget below what I would pay for a carton of reg cigs a week im doing good and saving $$$ im sure once I get into it a bit more I will want more .... so I just have to watch it I don't let it get out of hand , if im spending more $$$ on vaping then I was on cigs a week then there is no financial benefit at all .
  8. morning all , my name is greg , a 30+ 2 pak a day smoker . got turned on to an ecig by a guy at work and decided I gotta try . put the cigs down officially 9 days ago and been on the egig ever since and im doing well no cheating , decided to join a forum to learn more , and get support from others :)ooo
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