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cigbuyer got a reaction from Uma in Just a thought on the whole FDA possibility thing
Hoping for the best... planning for the worst... expecting something in-between. I don't think anyone has a problem with age restrictions, or even some limitations on e-cig advertising. Those are the obvious first steps that most politicians will agree on. The EU recently rejected tight restrictions on e-cigs, and hopefully we'll follow suit in the US. As others have mentioned, I think it's going to be tough to ban flavors, and they're probably not ready to impose new taxes (yet). Guess we'll find out soon enough...
cigbuyer got a reaction from ChrisP in Complete list of e-cigarette studies...
We're trying to put together a complete list of the most accurate, reputable and unbiased e-cigarette studies for our website. You can view our current list here:
Can anyone point us to any additional studies, research or reports that should be included in this list? We're trying to avoid biased research sponsored by e-cig companies or suppliers - hopefully we've done that so far. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
cigbuyer got a reaction from Uma in Complete list of e-cigarette studies...
We're trying to put together a complete list of the most accurate, reputable and unbiased e-cigarette studies for our website. You can view our current list here:
Can anyone point us to any additional studies, research or reports that should be included in this list? We're trying to avoid biased research sponsored by e-cig companies or suppliers - hopefully we've done that so far. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
cigbuyer reacted to jonnoh in Update: Death of a Wonderful Indulgence
Last night I came home and saw that my Cuban cigar was missing from my now unused ashtray and the following conversation ensued with my Signif Other (if anyone still uses that silly description):
ME: Where's my Cuban?
SO: Your what?
ME: My Cuban cigar.
SO: I don't know where was it?
ME: In the ashtray.
SO: OH that. I thought it was a cat turd. I threw it out.
cigbuyer got a reaction from jonnoh in Flack from wife?
Lots of fear mongering going on right now... like the story last week (on all the major news outlets) about the rising use of e-cigs by teenagers. Of course teens are using e-cigs... they use cigarettes and marijuanna too! The CDC did a similar study just a few months prior about the rising use by adults... but of course the media only jumped on the story about teens. The numbers are growing for EVERYONE because people are becoming more educated and e-cigs offer lots of benefits over tobacco...