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  1. I have been looking for a site discussing possible negative side effects from vaping. I haven't had much luck. I have been vaping for just about 5 months. I have experienced a couple issues and although I know it's much better then smoking. .. it hasn't been around long enough to gather information. We may have to do our own research? Has anyone experienced a change in your voice? Does anyone experience a burning like acid reflux ? Any changes in dryness of your skin?
  2. Perfect cloudz... Upside down. Pineapple upsidedown cake! Also Cup of Joe.
  3. Ego c twist with kanger protank... I have blue, silver, and 2 black. Love the protank! Easy to fill and I don't get that nasty burned hit like some of the other tanks. Going on 5 months since I quit smoking. Yay for me!
  4. Venture to say 10 since APRIL 29, 2013.
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