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Everything posted by aufin

  1. Yeah, buddy ...... legalize reefer, criminalize tobacco. You just cant make this stuff up
  2. Yep, then it'll become just like cannabis. ....... DIY home extraction, and another target for the DEA.
  3. Used, or tried to, the same rationale when talking to a couple people I know. Tried to talk them into at least trying vaping to get rid of all their coughing and hacking. Might as well have been talking to a sack of hammers. Some wise man once said ...... "you just cant fix stupid".
  4. It just makes sense that the problem stems from something recently added to vape juice, specifically vape containing THC. From things I've read about cannabis oil, the cannabinoid oils don't easily homogenize with either VG or PG. Um...... Vit E acetate?
  5. Bebop, you're probably right ..... the banning has nothing to do with the illnesses, BUT, the illness situation is the driving force behind this round of vape demagoguery. The general public is so under informed about vaping that anything negative about vaping is ammunition. And someone dieing while associated with vaping is a huge piece of ammunition that can and is being used to fuel the ignorant anti-vapers. It's just wrong!!! My feeling is the tobacco and pharma lobbyists are really enjoying this round of hysteria. According to my newspaper this morning, Michigan and New York have already banned flavored vape gear way ahead of any thoughtful Investigation on the matter. I'm still pissed. Had occasion to see a friend yesterday who is a vaper and the conversation eventually turned to the current vape issue. She was "scared to vape" because of the filtered information she was hearing. Like I said, ignorant people making uninformed decisions.
  6. Nice article, but my thoughts are it is a bit light on pointing fingers at what's/who's driving the vape persecution. I smoked 50 years, was introduced to vape and vaped 4+ years till I quit everything about 2 years ago. Even though I'm no longer an active participant in the vape community, this vilification of vapers/ing still has me pretty pissed. I understand the anguish and hurt around the sickness and deaths, but a knee jerk reaction to ban everything is just plain wrong. From everything I've read or heard, the culprit seems to be a new ingredient to the vape scene, a type of vitamin E. Which brings the question ..... how to successfully ban just one ingredient. Instead, the answer seems to just ban everything. That should make tobacco and pharma happy. Stupid!! If I were still vaping I would be stocking up on my fav flavors. Just in case.
  7. To begin with, any "study" coming out of California, I automatically look at as suspect. When it comes to whether vape or smoke cigarettes, I much prefer my chances vaping over cigarettes. And ..... it may seem a bit morbid to think about, but I would choose to have "my lights go out" with a heart attack than spend my last days in agony with lung cancer from smokes. Now, with that said I'm not in favor of rushing either outcome. That's why after 50 years of smoking cigarettes, after a friend offered me his vape rig to try, I went out and bought myself a setup. The day I started vaping I put cigarettes down and havent looked back. That was 6+ years ago. Vaped 4 years, stopped vaping 2 years ago. So I guess that means now I dont have to worry about having a heart attack or lung cancer.
  8. Well, looks like today's the day. April 18, 2913 a friend loaned me one of his rigs to try. 4 hours later at the agreed on meeting spot I gave it back to him. The next day I went out and bought myself a double set ...... 650 batteries and CE4 tanks. That day I wrote the date on the pack I had just opened, dropped it in the console and after 50+ years of cigarettes, I started vaping. Haven't looked back. Within the first 6 months i started diy'ing my own juice. Eventually i worked myself to 0 nic. Been there for over a year, now. Almost got sucked into the "bigger 'n better'n shiny stuff" end of vaping till I realized that's not why i started vaping in the first place. Biggest setup I worked up to was a nautilus sitting on a 40W Eleaf. Lately, till a couple weeks ago, I was back at the basic level with a t3 sitting on a 1100 batt. Caught a cold that migrated to my chest, so everything got put away for a few days. A couple days grew day by day ....... been vape free for the past 3 weeks, so now seems like as good a time as any to give everything up for good. Gotta say it feels very liberating walking out and only checking for keys instead of everything else I used to carry around. So, if you're vaping to quit smoking, I wish you good luck. Just keep that goal in mind and know that it is possible. And, yep that pack is still riding around in my console with the same number of cigs it had in it back in 2013. It's become a conversation piece. Maybe I'll memorialize it in a block of Lucite. So...... Happy Trails everyone. Color me gone.
  9. I'm not holding my breath.......... http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_CONGRESS_VAPING?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  10. Yup, as long s you don't vape/smoke you're free to put as much crap in your, body as you can hold. I'd bet real money the same people sit around sucking down diet sodas loaded with aspartame.
  11. Amazing how the folks interviewed continue to piss all over vaping while at the same time saying they really don't know enough, but it's still bad cause they think it is. Wonder just how difficult it is walking around with their heads stuck up where the sun don't shine.
  12. Yep, what she said ...... and him ....... and what he said ....... dangerous idea. Methinks the screen name and original question are in direct conflict.
  13. My suggestion would be for you to find a vape store that gives a rats-*** about you and understands the value of customer service for building repeat customers. Evidently the sales guy just wanted to sell you something with no regard for your lack of experience. E-cigarette aren't rocket science, but there is a small learning curve. The above also is directly related to your desire, or lack of, to give up cigarettes. If your goal is to drop cigarettes, then start with an inexpensive entry level rig, learn what's going on and proceed from there. Don't allow yourself to be talked into getting the latest 'n greatest cloud chaser equipment. You've already discovered how expensive and discouraging that experience can be. There are some of us in the vaping community who are still using pretty basic equipment ..... and are quite satisfied. Many vape shops just want your money and send you on your way. Finding the right vape store can be tough, sometimes.
  14. Trying to mimic the flavor that got me off cigs 3 yrs ago ....... Johnson creek's autumn crisp. Seems to be a green apple/carmel. sent from my fancy doo dad
  15. Looking for some opinions......... Who has best apple flavor, either red or green, TFA, CAP, LA? Best carmel? sent from my fancy doo dad
  16. Seems we're both pretty much in the same situation. Abused my taste buds for 50 yrs. as well. Guess it's payback time. As long as my mixes don't taste like soap, I consider it a success. sent from my fancy doo dad
  17. Backwards=flavor getting worse instead of better. Don't care for the hit/harshness of very much pg. Maybe 10% so it won't be too thick. Trying to compensate for the lower pg with more flavor doesn't seem to be working. Or ..... my taste buds are just plain shot. Been almost 3 years now, and I have yet to land on a flavor to get excited about. sent from my fancy doo dad
  18. Question for you DIY guys n gals. Is there a point in the mix percentages where the flavor starts going backwards. sent from my fancy doo dad
  19. Well, so much for being the "information age". The U.S has become a nation of sheeple. I've just about given up trying to steer someone away from the dark side. I get looks like I'm trying to sell snake oil, or get excuses- "I've heard it can cause pneumonia", "ecig are just as bad as cigarettes", "I'm afraid it might blow up". Ya just can't fix stupid. The U.S and Europe are going in opposite directions with vaping. Just doesn't make any sense. Sent from my SM-G900V using The Vapor Talk mobile app
  20. A little bit of advice. When looking for VG, try to make sure it is kosher. Don't know what makes the difference, but any non-kosher VG I used from health food stores made the juices taste pretty bad.
  21. I just don't see the govt. trying to totally "kill" vaping. Vaping is too big and there's just too much money being passed around for govt. to ignore. Regulate the crap out of vaping, yeah. And, get their pound of flesh, Oh, Hell yeah. But "kill" vaping, I don't think so. Not only would the vaping community jump up and down yelling and screaming, and become a bunch of bootleggers, and "criminals" in the eyes of govt., but China has a pretty big stake in what's going on. (That's not to say BT and BP wouldn't like to see vaping disappear) If some of the articles I've read about vaping are correct, vaping is much bigger than just ex-smokers and active smokers, so I'm sure the money guys in govt. have run the numbers and what they have come up with is the Big Dollars they are, and would be missing out on were vaping to go away. I see the vaping issue is just about the money...... the anti-smoker zealots, you'll never make them happy. I think that making vaping go away would be a totally asinine move. Yeah, I know, we're talking about the govt., and asinine moves are pretty common, but still, killing a money cow just doesn't make sense, and I'm pretty sure they know it, too. I really don't think the govt. gives a rat's *** what we vapers do as long as we pay to play. I do see vaping being more expensive in the future. I do see panic buying and shortages till everything settles down. The govt. bastards just want what seems to be a pretty big (and undeserved) piece of what's going on. I feel they're overstepping their authority, but what's new in this unconstitutional govt. we've seen these past few years? (Hopefully that'll change in the near future, but that's a topic for another time and place). I'm not saying I'm happy in the least little bit with what's going on, but tossing a few cents per ml tax on a bottle of juice to feed the govt. bears, I can live with. I haven't seen any hard numbers tossed around about the sin tax on juices, so I'm probably in for a big surprise I won't be too happy about. I've heard taxes are kinda like plucking live chickens: See how many feathers you can grab at one time before the chicken starts screaming too bad. That's the govt. way. Like someone once said, "that's my opinion, I could be wrong".
  22. "No free samples" This includes in-store tasters/testers? Guess it depends on how it's interpreted.
  23. Oh, Yeah!! I like that ...... order me one, too.
  24. I agree with the "ho-hum" attitude observation. There's just too many vape shops around for vap'n to be so "unknown". I travel the southeast quite a bit, and I can find a vape shop just about everywhere. Drop by here http://www.vapingcc.com/event/vcct16/ this weekend and count noses to see how "uninterested" or "uneducated" the populace is. The article did end with a somewhat positive comment, tho.
  25. Found out the hard way that this is an important ingredient to getting a good mix. Used "pure" VG from a health food store, but "kosher" wasn't listed on the label. Don't know what the difference is between "pure" and "pure kosher", but it sure makes a difference in taste. Juice mixed with VG from the health food store tasted like ...... well, have no comparison, but it sure tasted nasty. My "pure and kosher" now comes premixed with nic from Wizard Labs.
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