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Everything posted by VapRBarbie

  1. My investment list so far: 2 Innokin SVD's 1 1100 mAh VV Twist battery 2 1100 mAh VV LCD batteries 7 900 mAh batteries 3 650 mAh batteries 2 Kanger Pro Tanks 2.5ml 2 Vivi Nova Tanks 2.8ml 5 Mini Pro Tanks 1.5ml 7 Evod Tanks 4 18650 batteries 2 Chargers for 18650 batteries 10 coils 7 CE6 tanks 1.6ml 3 Ego Landyards 1 USB power adapter 1 USB 4 hub port 4 510 battery chargers 6 30ml bottles of e-juice $162 order to FA for Juice flavors 50 10ml bottles empty 50 5ml bottles empty 12 15ml bottles empty 12 30ml bottles 1 30ml bottle of nicotine 1 10ml bottle from B&M shop 1 30ml bottle from B&M shop Last night I spent $3.75 on a wrap for one of my 1100 mAh batteries... I do believe I'm done spending for a while, I've spent my analog money to vape... I'm so glad I quit analogs! I'm having such a great time with my new hobby & so much more to show for my money! :-) Vape On!
  2. Banana Split, Candy Cane, Strawberry Shortcake from a new local vendor all nice! Sweet tart, Boo-berry, Handmade from my nephew Grapple mix of another local vendor I like a lot of flavors! Can't wait for my own next week! FA mail coming next week!
  3. I too am from Louisville, KY... Would be nice to see how many ppl we have in this area... I have several family members who are also Vaping...
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