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  1. Well, all is well. I found out my battery had a manufacturer defect and got a replacement. As for the EVOD's, I experienced some dry and burnt taste even with the working battery set at low-medium voltage. I found out that higher VG juices flow very slowly especially in bottom coil atomizers like the EVOD, and I was using 50/50. By removing one of the top "flavor wicks" it allows the juice to flow more freely and can bring you success if you experience the same problem. You can also remove both top wicks, although you may experience some leaking, which can be fixed by simply putting one back in. I also realized that VV and VW are two separate modes! I thought they worked simultaneously and there I was overthinking it, staring at a power chart trying to match the settings perfectly. Thanks again for all of your help. I hope this helps others in the future with the same problem. I felt your pain!
  2. The main issue I'm having really is the batt isn't working at certain times with the clearo. It'll work fine and I'll be vaping at 3.3 or 3.4V and 6.0-7.5W, but the flavor will not be strong nor will the vapor. And when it starts to not work again it won't let me fire it at all, like it's sensing the ohms are too low, even though the battery reads 1.9-2.0. The battery may be faulty, because I've noticed other weird things like it'll say the battery V are full but then I'll get a red LED indicating I need to charge it. After I throw it on the charger for a bit it'll show green again. And I've tried a few of my 50/50 juices but the problem is the same.
  3. I see, yeah I can't really crank up the V/W with the 1.8's, hopefully those 2.5's will arrive sooner than later. I did remove one wick from the coil but it tasted dry when I had it on low settings. I'm confused, hopefully the 2.5's will solve the problem. As far as the vendor's customer service goes, I'll have to call in on Monday so I can communicate better with them. My buddy who recommended the setup told me to get 1.8's, even though in his exact same mod he had 2.0's... 2.0's would've probably worked better idk why he told me to get 1.8's. Anyway I'll keep you posted once I find out some more info and test out the 2.5's. The other thing is... I hear that people enjoy different liquids at different V/W, all by preference. I can't really increase and test the 1.8's anyway cause the batt can turn up fairly strong.
  4. The ends that stick out are getting hit by the liquid, but it didn't look like the flavors wicks and the main wick/coil were hit at all when I popped off the post and looked inside.
  5. I have 50VG/50PG juice from ecblends.com. I had my voltage and wattage down all the way (3.3, 6.0) when I was vaping at first and I didn't crank it up too high while I was increasing. I quickly dry burned it a few times, with the V/W all the way down, only firing it for 2-3 secs a few times. I looked at the coil/wick and it looked clean and not charred or burned. The flavor wicks actually looked untouched in both coils even after I vaped them with clear and carmel colored liquids.
  6. I lied... the same problem keeps arising. Let me refresh and give you some more info to see what you think. So when my clearomizer is not attached to the battery, the battery works fine and appears to be functioning properly. I've charged it fully, so the batt life isn't the problem. But when I do attach the clearomizer, and when it does vape, I have it on the lowest setting (3.3V, 6.0W) and the flavor seems okay but a bit dull. Vapor production seemed to be fine, but when I started to work my way up in V and W, the flavor got plain and eventually tasted burnt. I'm not sure if I'm getting what they call "dry hits" or what, I'm dumbfounded about this issue. I have no other batts or atties to test with which sucks. Also, when I come across the problem of the atty not vaping at all, instead of the fire button LED fading in/out, it turns a solid green for 5-6 seconds. Supposedly the solid green indicates the batt is above 70% life. It won't fire at all. It won't power on/off either while the atty is attached. Maybe the clearomizer is faulty and not the battery? I ordered an additional one and a pack of 2.5ohm coils. I'm wondering if my current 1.8ohm coils are too low for the device, but I got higher res coils so I can really turn my batt up. I tried switching out the one 1.8ohm replacement coil I had but it didn't fix the problem. I disassembled my coils and rinsed them off and dried them thoroughly and dry burned them a bit to erase the flavors before switching. I heard in a few places that some people remove one or both of the "flavor wicks" that sit above the main coil and wick to fix burnt or dry hits. I removed one wick but eventually it started getting dry and burnt again. This is all I can think of right now, what do you think? The vendor I bought these devices from is litecigusa.net. I gave them all or most of this info, and they have responded with this: "Unfortunately USPS first class mail, and priority mail are not guaranteed. The USPS express mail, and UPS shipping options are though. The resistance is going to always fluctuate. That is normal on any atomizer etc... It will slowly oxidize with use, it will change depending on temperature etc..." and "The solid green is just showing that it is above 70 percent charge."
  7. Well, my mod works now. I honestly have no idea why it wasn't cooperating yesterday, but today I said what the hell and tried it again, and now it's vaping great. Thanks for all the help. This site is awesome and I'll write some reviews on this mod, and in the future I've decided I'm better off coming here for customer support than the actual manufacturer or vendor lol. Go figure.
  8. I will contact the vendor. Thank you, I'll let you know.
  9. The battery reads 1.9, the coil is listed at 1.8. I tried switching out a replacement coil. Same thing. Just a solid green for 5-6 seconds when I hit the fire button. It was reading 2.0 earlier so the readings are not consistent.
  10. I just received my iTaste VV v3.0 express kit and my Kangertech EVOD clearomizer in the mail today. I filled the EVOD, attached it to my iTaste battery, but it won't vape. When the clearomizer is not attached to the battery, the battery works normally. But when it is attached and I hit the power button, the LED turns green for 5-6 seconds instead of fading in/out as it usually should when you press/release quickly. What is the problem? Are my settings not set correctly? Do I need to try a replacement coil? I'm fairly new to these devices so any help will be appreciated.
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