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    fluidandcool got a reaction from thomac13 in Nicquid flavors to try to emulate   
    I too am looking for the same info....Good luck Thomac13
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    fluidandcool reacted to kitsune in Diy-How To Basics   
    DIY still remains my passion and obsession. Common sense always has to prevail. The last 2 1/2 years have brought so many changes.....its worse than computer technology (for me anyway). Currently I still stick to those vendors I have been using since (almost) the beginning of my vaping adventure. When I first started vaping, the selection and vendors was very simple and very few, now, new stuff is popping up at every corner. I figure, I might as well stick with what works for me.

    I still love mixing almost as much as I love vaping.
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    fluidandcool reacted to snubber in Diy-How To Basics   
    Now everyone can see why I've been calling you the "Queen" of mixing. Our resident "mixologist".
    This is great information Kitsune a really great post.
    Anyone who is interested in mixing will do wonders if they just pay attention.
    I for one am grateful to you for your help and information. A big +1
    Keep up the good work.
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