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Everything posted by CDamron

  1. This week I have tried about 6 different ones and my favorite go to so far is butterscotch and buttery ...... Wasn't sure if last word was allowed or not but it tastes like butterscotch. Yummy!!!
  2. I've been vaping for a little over a week and today is my first day without a cigarette. It took me a week to find what worked for me. I was using cigar flavored ones and really sweet ones. Didn't like the sweet ones and realized the cigar flavored ones made me think about smoking. So, I started using a flavor that was neither and its working so far. I'm loving it! No urge to smoke and I'm only using one right now.
  3. I just watched NBC nightly news about the same thing. They even had a teenager vaping. They were going on and on about the flavors and how they are geared toward teenagers. Wow! I can't believe that they finally have millions of people quitting cigarettes or finding a healthier alternative and they are still going to find something to complain about.
  4. I found the link. I guess the story was not local. Itvwas from Atlanta. http://kfor.com/2013/09/04/e-cigarette-explodes-inside-womans-home/
  5. I actually did LOL when she said the walls shook and it was like a bomb going off. I was just waiting for a reference to it being terrorist...lol.
  6. I tried to find the link to the news story but KFOR news didn't find it as news worthy I guess. Maybe they are waiting for full investigation. I searched the site and only found a old story. Thanks for the information on this brand. I looked them up. As soon as I saw it tonight, that was the first thing I did. Made sure this wasn't the ones I was using. Don't know since I'm fairly new to gaping, but I'm sure as in all things that there is also room for user mistakes and misuse also. On the news program she actually said it was like a bomb going off and her walls even shook. I'm not real sure about that. I mean, I'm not a genius or anything but it showed her computer still in one piece. I'm assuming if that was the case, the computer probably would have been damaged a little more. It did burn the table it was sitting on though.
  7. Was just watching the news and a lady had a EHit charging and it exploded and caught fire in the OK City area. It was just aired on the Channel 4 news in our area. They haven't done a investigation yet and the company hasn't replied back yet. Was curious if anyone else has used this brand before? The lady who this happened to said this was plugged into her computer charging. I'm new to vaping but thought this might be worth sharing.
  8. New to the forum and to vaping. Looking forward to learning tons from this group. Been a smoker for almost 30 years and this is the first time that I've looked forward to quitting. Have been vaping for 4 days and have smoked 4 cigarettes. Wow! Thanks for this forum and all the info.
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