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Everything posted by imadragonkeeper

  1. Picked up an EGo-C in a c-store near work this weekend to try since I didn't want to order stuff online yet. I thought I wouldn't like the larger size but even though it's heavier to carry I really like the manual button control and being able to see how much liquid is left in the clear tank. I still plan to get a cig-a-like for discreet/pocket carry but the Ego will be my daily go-to Thanks everyone for their input. I'm sure I will have lots more questions as I get deeper into this craze
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I didn't want to wait to order online (been bittne by the bug lol) so I picked up an eGo CE4 today - found a c-store near my work that carries them. Jumped right off into the big girl stuff lol . Only got a menthol juice for now but I already love it. Going to have hubby give it a try tonight if I can talk him into it. The flavor is so much better than that crappy metro I bought before so I've got my fingers crossed. Thanks Subnuke for the recommendation of the dragon juices - I'll have to look up the website
  3. Hi, I'm in Western MO and have been tossing around the idea of trying e-cigs. I bought a cheap Metro starter kit at the local quick shop just to see if I liked the concept. I do so I am looking for a better quality set up with more flavor choices. Leaning toward Halo and Volt (which I've been told are essantially the same thing). I want to stay with a more traditional cig style at first before I step off into the more advanced stuff. Really glad I found this site - you guys have tons of info, tips and tricks on top of great reviews. I plan to read a bunch of stuff here and learn as much as I can so I can figure out a way to get hubby on the e-cig bandwagon. He is super picky about his menthol cigarettes so I will try a bunch of different brands of e-juice until I find a few I think are close to his go-to analog (Camel Menthol Silver - the ones with the crush capsule for a cool rush of flavor). Recommendations anyone? or DIY recipes that come close? TIA for any suggestions Dragon
  4. Thanks for the replies everyone For now I am looking for a more cigarette-like e-cig but I'm sure I will want to move up to the more advanced stuff at some point once I get off into it. I figure with the Halo G6 or the Volt I can get started vaping, experiment with flavors and see what I like. Then as I get more involved and spend (a lot) more time here reading posts and learning about ohms, coils resistance and mah etc then I can bump up to something more powerful and longer lasting. I am not a heavy smoker, however my husband is and I am hoping once I get into vaping that maybe he'll want to try it and get away from cigarettes eventually too.
  5. I am a new vaper and I'm looking to upgrade from c-store e-cigs. I know they aren't high quality but I wanted something to try before investing in a good cig-a-like system. I tend to do a lot of reading of reviews and product research before I buy but I have a few questions I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me with. I read somewhere that Halo, Volt and a handful of others are all basically the same - just distributed under different names. I really like things about both and would love to be able to mix and match (ie Volt's more numerous battery color choices with Halo's cartos/mini tanks). Has anyone tried combining the 2 brands? I would likely buy e-juice from both and possibly also a local source for certain flavors but I'm assuming from reading many topics here that most Vapers use e-juice from multiple sources for their refillables with good results. I like a bit of a cool/menthol hit so would probably buy a menthol additive to add to some of the fruit/candy flavors - any suggestions for a good source for a menthol "boost"? Has anyone had good luck doing this and if so any tips/tricks you would be willing to share? Thanks for your help in advance! Dragon
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