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Everything posted by speedy

  1. Thanks guys. I am overwhelmed but feel better about my choices. I had to ask the supplier some additional questions, and the last persons post I will add that as a counter question. The poster before you: seriously? Dude I said I was overwhelmed and if it wasn't for Youtube that would have made it even worse. LMAO. BTW wasn't like I was expecting a reply in 30 minutes of my post, but did find it odd 6 views at the time of my 2nd response and no one replied. Oh well. Just keep in mind, everyone is new at sometime and a lot of those times the info can really get overwhelming. It's fun to research, but it's quite easy to be pulled in many directions no matter what the subject is. Keep that in mind for the next noob. BTW I did learn something very important: no more Blu or Metro. After reading and watching i learned in 60-minutes, all that crap I just bought before researching was a waste of money. Oh well. lesson learned: again!
  2. Of course, when I scream for help and see 6 people read it but didn't reply I find my answers on Youtube. Regardless the fact that Dr.Vapor supports another forum, he really breaks it down to basic understanding and if you keep notes (assuming you don't have a photographic memory) he really makes it simple. So I am all set people. I might be back; who knows. Hopefully if I do come back I will be smoke free (well not vapor free) but free from those pesky paper cancer sticks. :-D P.S. I am going eGo!
  3. Ladies and Gents, I am a NOOB who is just overwhelmed with information. Don't get me wrong; I am the research king. I have researched from shaving products, to working out theories and tools, to vehicles, to guns, and so on. But VAPOR is just too much info and I am not sure what to do so let me tell you a bit about me and we can go from there. I turned 39 this year, and smoker trying to quit. I was a smoker 2-packs a day from 16 to 21 Marlboro Reds. Then for 16 years I was smoke free. Well too many Jack-and-Cokes later I was a smoker again. Been that way for a few years. However, I want to quit. I tried Chantix, I tried the patches god knows how many times, and so on. Then I tried electronic cigs and i like them. In fact I like them a lot and want to take it a bit further for that is just who I am but I am extremely overwhelmed with info and choices and forums and so on. So far I am really liking this guy Dr. Vapor on youtube (is he respected here?) altsmoke.com seems like a decent site for products. This eGo seems like a good choice but I am not sure. So a bit more about me; right now I own Blu and Metro Cig. For the purpose i am using them for they are okay, but I REALLY WANT something unique. Something that stands out; not something that looks like a cig, and not something I have to mod which you can with those and so on. I don't want to have to spend hours learning this and that, and I am getting overwhelmed with the amount of vapor info out there. So in short I want some help for once I read one thing, I read something else that makes me change my mind and consider something else. Maybe I am over thinking it, and maybe I am not but seriously this is giving me a headache. Goal: Again I want something unique, easy to use, reliable, good reputation, and will last. I like what I see with the eGo Starter kit for while I am not familiar with the terms and their purpose and what makes a Vaporizer, it seems like it has everything you need. Then after seeing some Google pics of Vapors, I think I would like to go with a lanyard for convenience purposes. So in short, can anyone just make it simple and lay it out in kindergarden terms for someone that is using vapor as a means to pull away from cancer sticks, and also wants to get into some flavors. I like what I heard about Apple flavors but this I am completely open to. In short.....HELP!!!!
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