Ladies and Gents, I am a NOOB who is just overwhelmed with information. Don't get me wrong; I am the research king. I have researched from shaving products, to working out theories and tools, to vehicles, to guns, and so on. But VAPOR is just too much info and I am not sure what to do so let me tell you a bit about me and we can go from there.
I turned 39 this year, and smoker trying to quit. I was a smoker 2-packs a day from 16 to 21 Marlboro Reds. Then for 16 years I was smoke free. Well too many Jack-and-Cokes later I was a smoker again. Been that way for a few years. However, I want to quit. I tried Chantix, I tried the patches god knows how many times, and so on. Then I tried electronic cigs and i like them. In fact I like them a lot and want to take it a bit further for that is just who I am but I am extremely overwhelmed with info and choices and forums and so on.
So far I am really liking this guy Dr. Vapor on youtube (is he respected here?) seems like a decent site for products.
This eGo seems like a good choice but I am not sure.
So a bit more about me; right now I own Blu and Metro Cig. For the purpose i am using them for they are okay, but I REALLY WANT something unique. Something that stands out; not something that looks like a cig, and not something I have to mod which you can with those and so on. I don't want to have to spend hours learning this and that, and I am getting overwhelmed with the amount of vapor info out there.
So in short I want some help for once I read one thing, I read something else that makes me change my mind and consider something else. Maybe I am over thinking it, and maybe I am not but seriously this is giving me a headache.
Again I want something unique, easy to use, reliable, good reputation, and will last. I like what I see with the eGo Starter kit for while I am not familiar with the terms and their purpose and what makes a Vaporizer, it seems like it has everything you need. Then after seeing some Google pics of Vapors, I think I would like to go with a lanyard for convenience purposes.
So in short, can anyone just make it simple and lay it out in kindergarden terms for someone that is using vapor as a means to pull away from cancer sticks, and also wants to get into some flavors. I like what I heard about Apple flavors but this I am completely open to.
In short.....HELP!!!!