"Wow" Is all I know to say! I keep my mod around my neck using a lanyard and am constantly hitting it. A 15ml last me a week and a half. Even when I use my 650mah with a CE5 tank I don't use nearly as much as you guys. Again, I won't ask where you are getting your liquids but, it could very well be the quality of it causing you guys (your hubby) to use so much. Low grade ingredients accompanied by improper mixture ratios is definately one of the primary determining factors when it comes to how long your liquid last. To be honest, it sorta sounds like the liquid may have some good ole fashion water just to stretch it a little. Yes, there are some that do that. It's odorless, tasteless and, you wouldn't know it if you had never had a quality liquid before....lol. Regardless of who you get your liquids from, I cannot over express how important it is to buy from someone who is AEMSA certified. Otherwise, who knows what you're vaping... After all, there are no current regulations which govern who and what can be mixed. Sad to say but, there are a LOT of people who have little to no training who are mixing liquids in their living room, basement, bedroom and even living rooms or garages. Those areas are completely unsanitary. Remember, you are enhaling these products and, aside from intrevenal, there is no faster way to the human blood stream than the lungs...It is for those reasons, among others, that I completely support the FDA requiring suppliers to be AEMSA certified. Just some food for thought there. After all, it is the reason most stop smoking.. Right? So, why take a chance that you may get something even worse than the 4000 chemicals in analogs. There are some crazies out there you know... Vape On!