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    Providing safer vaping supplies!

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  1. I was 5 years old once also... From a forum Admin?? All I can say is wow...
  2. First, you are correct that tone is nearly impossible to read over text. I never meant to sound condescending to anyone about anything. I was merely replying to what I perceive to be a bash against B&M stores by stereotyping all stores with those the poster had previously dealt with. It seems something I said has been mis-read, mis-quoted or something. NOWHERE have I ever posted that I support the ban of online sales or the ban of fruit flavors. I simply pointed out that such has been the topic of discussions between the FDA and the big e-cig companies. These big e-cig companies have been bashed on this forum time and time again for their efforts to work with the FDA. I'm sorry but I just don't get the bashing. I mean, look at it this way. The FDA IS coming. That is inevitable. So, why not get ahead of the game by working with them to help form their guidelines? I believe that by doing so we can ultimately lessen their intrusion. In any event, we're done with this thread as our only goal to begin with was to educate people but, it seems that when you provide accurate, fact based information as opposed to opinions and guesses you are considered a "know it all". Personally, when I buy a product, especially something I will inhale, I would want to deal with someone who had some actual knowledge as opposed to someone's opinion. Opinions are often valuable in the right circumstance. But, not when dealing with health. All this, however, is JMO PS @Berani.. I would invite you to watch the video I posted a link to in this thread. Afterwards, tell me which blending method you would prefer to put in your blood stream.. That's all it's all about.. A safer more healthy choice with some form of regulation to help prevent the crazies in this world from selling lethal products... :-)
  3. I actually mis-read his post about being running an auto dealership. I should have simply used the term car salesman or something similar. I do apologize for that mistake. Nevertheless, any offense taken is only the result of a stigma placed on actual used car salesmen, justified or not. Nevertheless, it was not my intention to insult anyone. I simply wanted to point out facts so that newbies are not mis-informed. Let's face it, the future of the electronic cig industry is largely dependent upon public perception. Misinformation doesn't aide.
  4. Wow.... You're moving up fast. Good for you! Vape On friend!!
  5. After rereading my post I found nothing condescending. I simply provided rebuttal based on facts as opposed to guesses and/or speculation and/or opinion. You made comments about liquids/processes that are simply not factual and will ultimately mis-lead newbies. As a supplier, it is my job to make sure the information provided is accurate. Have a nice day sir..
  6. Ketchup/Mustard/Mayonnaise Botlles vs. Quality/Safe/Sanitary E-Liquid Manufacturing The foundation of successful marketing is premised upon explaining why people should buy your product as opposed to the competitions. Marketing 101. But, as a used car dealer I'm sure you are more than aware of that. Regardless, we didn't bash anyone. If we had, we would have mentioned the name of the B&M which we didn't. And, yes, they do sell online as well. Nor was there any attempt to do anything other than point out greed stricken individuals who care more about making money than they do about the health of their customers. The fact that a particular company is AEMSA certified or affiliated with any other certification process has absolutely nothing to do with the taste of their liquid. To think otherwise is simply a lack of knowledge of how liquid is made. The basic ingredients of liquids are the same. Taste is the result of a recipe which the certification process has no regulation on other than the quality of pg/vg Actually, those actions may prove to be brilliant as some of the talks with the FDA have included the ban of online sales and such flavors that would necessarily attract minors. It sounds to me like the B&M guy you refer to is up on what's really going on behind the scenes. Things the average Joe doesn't become aware of until after the fact.. While technically your comment is correct, I see no need to take unnecessary chances like jumping off a bridge to test fate simply because life is filled with other risk.. With all due respect, that is just asinine.
  7. Are you genuinely serious with your analogy or are you just trolling? If I need to go into the details of the differences you probably shouldn't be mixing liquids either. Regardless, to put it in simple terms there is a HUGE difference between ingesting through intestines which have filtering as opposed to inhaling which goes directly to the blood stream. The lungs are, in fact, the fastest way to the blood stream aside from intravenous methods.
  8. Many people started with Blu or, at least, some form of disposable. What are you using now if I may ask?
  9. Of course we have no idea where they obtained the bottles so, we can't say whether they were rinsed out or whatever. We view that as a moot point, however, as DIY materials are cheap enough. See DIY accessories HERE from NicVape. Everything you need with nothing over $6.50...lol. In fact, you can purchase everything on the entire page for under $40.00. Even assuming the ketchup bottles were purchased clean and sanitized it just doesn't look very professional. If they're too cheap to provide their customers with a little satisfaction of professionalism and sanitation (even if it's only a visual thing) .. well, they have no business mixing liquids and selling them. This type of behavior gives credence to the arguments of e-cig opponents. While we support some form of regulation, it's this type of behavior that will justify an overreach by the FDA when regulations do come. And, yes, they are surely coming. It's all about how we, as an industry as a whole, present ourselves that will determine what kind of and how far the regulations will go... Lastly, I think you overlooked the underlying issue. If we were able to see the equipment they used, that means they're mixing their liquids in the presence of customers. How sanitary is a workstation situated in a store front where customers are in and out of all day long? Again, it's that type of money hungry disregard that is destined to give the industry a bad reputation.
  10. Thanks for sharing. I assume you got your HH.357 from AvidVaper. We had someone come in our store the other day with one. Just curious as to what advantages you perceive the HH.357 to have over others. I guess the reason I am asking is because of the price difference. The HH.357 is nearly double the price of other comparable atomizers. The price, in conjunction with mixed reviews, has me a little hesitant to carry them. Any feedback would be great.. Thanks again..
  11. Very cool!! How do you like the Vision's?
  12. We actually had someone come in and tell us about Custard's Last Stand yesterday. The guy just raved about it and said it was absolutely the best vape he'd ever had. Definitely something I'll have to try... Thanks for sharing that.. PS.. After posting I happened to remember that the guy referred to above pulled up a pic on his cell of his collection of juice and mods... It really was funny as this guy almost had more on shelves in his bedroom than we have in our store front..lol..
  13. Hi everyone.. While sitting around shooting the BS today someone brought up the topic of high end mods. Next thing you know, we were all reminiscing about our first device. Mine was a standard e-go 650 w/ an optimized CE5 clearomizer. By optimized I mean a friend replaced the factory coil and wick with a flat wire coil (6 wraps) and 3mm silica wick.. I actually took a pair of finger nail clippers and notched out a few more air holes around the bottom of the clearomizer for better air flow.. I have to say.... that little 650 would put out some clouds. Or, at least that's what I thought at the time..lol. So, join in and reminisce with us.. What was your first device? Did you do anything to try to soup-it-up? Thanks!!
  14. That is something I have never really been able to understand. If you have to ask for "extra flavor" the liquid isn't worth having. It's a bad recipe or just a plain ole bad mix in my opinion. Lack of consistency in liquids is a huge problem with many vendors... I hope it helps but, steeping usually only makes the flavors more intense. If you're tasting too much chocolate now it will only get worse over time. Of course, however, the amount of steeping that occurs is greatly affected by the ratio.....
  15. If I may add a little here, the pg/vg ratio really has little to do with whether or not the cinnamon is "too much". It's more about the amount of cinnamon flavoring used during mixing. It has been my experience that some companies are not using pharmaceutical grade pg/vg bases or the bases are sold as pharmaceutical grade but are really low end cheap products. As a result, they have to use more flavoring to achieve the cinnamon result which in turn is too much cinnamon. These effects can also be caused by vendors adding water to stretch their liquids (yes, many do) and/or from people mixing who have little to no training on how to properly mix. Lastly, just plain ole bad recipes will cause this also. It is true that most any cinnamon blend, regardless of the manufacturer, as well as, citrus flavored liquids will ruin plastic tanks. We always recommend our customers use steel evod tanks when they purchase any of our citrus or cinnamon flavored liquids. We have never had an issue with the liquids and tips. Although, should that occur... I can only say that must be some strooong flavored juice. Recently, while scoping out one of our local competitors, we discovered they were using empty ketchup bottles to mix...lol. Yeah, seriously.. What was the scariest about this is they have been selling quite a bit of liquid and their customers had NO idea.. Maybe it's just me but, I'm very particular about what liquids I vape. I didn't give up cigarettes just to have something equally or even more harmful put into my body. It seems that people in general simply assume what they are vaping was blended with safe ingredients under sanitary conditions. Big mistake! VAPE ON!! P.S. When purchasing liquids from a local store front ask them if you can see their mixing room. If they allow you to go inside the mixing area run out of the store! No legitimate e-liquid seller will allow anyone other than those assigned to the area to enter. I mean... how sanitary could it be if they allow their customers to enter?
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