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Everything posted by 3Rutez

  1. Got a bottle of 0mg Mint, so I can mix it with my 16-18mg juices to make them suitable for drip vaping. Mint adds a nice touch, but I wish they would've had flavorless in stock at the shop. That way I could still have the original taste. It works well with my Vape Dudes juices though, as I have only fruit flavors.
  2. While that would be a cool concept, it would only produce vapor from either end of the tube. With micro coils, you get more vapor due to the small gaps between the wire.
  3. I want to share another type of micro coil. 1.8ohm Tin Man coil. 9 wraps, ribbon wire. Real good flavor from this coil.
  4. Just picked up a Cobra Genesis style RBA and got it on auto-drip with a 1.4ohm micro coil. Drilled out the air hole, and now I'm blowing clouds.
  5. No I haven't. I only own a VV Kamry X6 and the eVic. I would like to get a mechanical mod though.
  6. 1.1ohm nano coil with cotton wick, over a cotton cloud. IGO-W RDA. This is so much fun, lol.
  7. I opted to use the 1.8ohm micro coil in my KPT2 instead of the nano. I only got so far until the flood came. I put the nano coil in my IGO-W, and it works lovely. It fires immediately with no ramp up time at all (I'm using a VV/VW eVic). When I have spare time to tinker, I will troubleshoot the problem with the flooding issue.
  8. No problem bro. I just wanted to make sure, but didn't feel the need to post something that had already been posted. Next time I do a step-by-step tutorial, I won't leave anything out. Your thread deserves the redirect though, as you did an awesome job explaining the process in detail.
  9. My local b&m had some to spare, but they don't really sell it. They might real soon though. I would check them out and see if they carry any. As far as other storefronts, Home Depot doesn't carry Kanthal, you would need to find an industrial type of store, or maybe a hobby place might carry it. Radio Shack used to have it, but they no longer carry Kanthal.
  10. Here it is, the 1.1ohm nano coil. This thing is tiny. It vapes like a BEAST. Way more flavor and vapor production than the 1.8ohm micro coil. I looked everywhere for a 20g syringe needle at local stores, but couldn't find any. Then I remembered that the syringe tipped dropper has a 20g tip.
  11. Yes, I would've done a more thorough step-by-step, but then I might have stepped on Rixters toes. He explained it in perfect detail, so please refer to his PINNED post for the complete rebuilding process. Vape On!
  12. We would need a bit more detail of your rebuild to troubleshoot your problem. You could be getting a hotspot in your coil build. That is usually what can cause a burnt taste.
  13. I've been vaping a 50/50 blend of Chocolate Coconut (6mg) and Blue Honey (18mg) for the past 2 days, and it has been going just great. I just filled up my tank with Gummy Blood (18mg) and now it is way harsh to me. I think I will be lowering my nicotine to 12mg now. *pats self on back* I think I am becoming more addicted to the taste now, rather than the nicotine. I like to have that slight throat hit though.
  14. Chocolate Coconut/Blue Honey. I can't get enough, especially with the insane flavor that the cotton wick gives me.
  15. That's what I thought. Thank you for clearing that up.
  16. I've had a few people here, and elsewhere who were curious how I built my cotton wick and micro coil for the Pro Tank 2. It's super simple. Here is a quick step by step. Needed : - 5/64 drill bit - Sterile Cotton Ball (boiled or unboiled, your preference) - 28g Kanthal - Tweezers - Torch or lighter, but a torch is preferable, as it burns cleaner and hotter. 1.) Start your wrap around the drill bit. I did 12 wraps to achieve 1.8ohm 2.) Compress coil with tweezers. Heat with torch for a good 10 seconds. It should hold its' compressed state after cooling. Coil is ready to go. 3.) Insert coil back into the head. Just like Rixter showed, keep one lead outside of the insulator and one through the middle. That insulator is there to keep them from coming in contact with each other. Insert metal pin. (Please refer to Rixters' tutorial for all the details, as this is just a quick look at the coil and wick.) 4.) Pull apart some cotton. Use a thin piece. Roll cotton between fingers. You may find that licking or slightly wetting your fingers helps to roll it better. 5.) Insert cotton wick through coil. Trim off excess. 6.) Roll a similar piece and lay over the top of the coil. Add some drops of juice to saturate it. 7.) Pop the stem back on. You are ready to roll. Flavor heaven awaits, and it should be easy to just replace the cotton when needed, without needing to remove the coil. Please don't try this if you aren't sure about building coils yet.
  17. ! ! ! ! ! Congrats on your first coil, attempt and SUCCESS. I just wrapped my first two today as well. *high 5*
  18. Maybe for the micro, but there shouldn't be any on the nano coils. At least that is what I have read and heard about. I am still very new to this, so I am researching a ton before I even try my hand at this stuff. I'm getting there though. Thanks Spydre!
  19. Take a cotton ball, pull it apart. Get a thin piece, roll it between fingers, slide it through, then trim the excess. Place another over the coil and drip some juice to saturate it. Pop the stem on, screw back into base and bam. The flavor and vapor is unmatched using cotton over silica IMO. With the stock wick and coil, I was getting a burnt/dry hit if I didn't prime it in between vapes. With the cotton, it's clean every time. These are only my observations. Different strokes for different folks.
  20. Wrapped it on the drill bit, removed it and then used the tweezers and torch. Gotta be careful not to squeeze too hard, as to bend the coil. Just enough pressure to compress so when the coils heat up, they retain their position after.
  21. I just rebuilt my Pro Tank 2 coil with a 28g Kanthal 12 wrap micro coil (1.8ohm), and a cotton wick. No more burnt hits, and amazing flavor and vapor. I used a 5/64 drill bit to wrap my coil, then compressed it with tweezers and torched it real good. Worked like a charm. Next one will be a 1.1ohm nano coil, but I need to find a 20g syringe to wrap it with. By the way, AWESOME pic tutorial Rixter!
  22. Well thank you very much. It could be better, as there is a tiny bit of space between the wire wraps. Next time I will get it red hot with a torch while squeezing it with tweezers.
  23. There she is, my first rebuildable, with my first try at a coil build. 2.1ohm micro coil, cotton wick, atop a cotton cloud. The flavor is insane. *pats self on back*
  24. Picked up some 6mg Chocolate Coconut and built a 12 wrap 2.1ohm micro coil with a cotton wick, and a cotton cloud underneath. Yes, this is more like it. The IGO-W is kicking serious butt now. 6mg is perfection. Thank you Bebop.
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