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Everything posted by eyemungry

  1. Welcome and Congats!!!
  2. This sounds like good fun....October 18 & 19 at the Long Beach Convention center. If the link doesn't work just google vapetoberfest to see the scheduled events. See you there.... https://www.vapetoberfest.com/
  3. Fuel truck loading terminal operator. My vaping doesn't bother anyone, our tower smells like peaches and bananas most of the time now.
  4. I've been using my SVD every waking minute of everyday for 2 months now...no issues!!
  5. Welcome and Congrats
  6. Thanks for the welcomes!!
  7. Noob here too and vaping a month now. I know all about that clutching thing, I heard it gets easier with time. Analogs were a love/hate for me and vaping is all love. ATM I'm power hitting (clutching) my telescoped itaste SVD, iclear tank with 3.0mL of Paradise Vape "Peach Bomb", 18mg nicotine. Welcome, enjoy, and Happy Absorbing...
  8. Thanks jeffb, I'm here to stay!!
  9. Hi all, I'm Tim, a noob from the Los Angeles area of California. I have been an analog smoker 1 to 1.5 pks a day for 30+ years on and off (mostly on...LOL). My father died 10 yrs ago at age 50 (my age now) from a heart attack which I am sure smoking had alot to do with. I have tried everything under the sun to quit. I had the most success with the patch, but I found when i caved in and tore the patch off I was smoking twice as much (so much for success). I had tried a few of the quickie mart e-cigs and, although I have nothing against them, they didn't do it for me, it just looked and felt like an analog and that wasn't working. Anyway, my oldest son recently moved to cali from idaho and when he arrived he walked into my house with his mod in hand vaping away. He was a 2 pk "Marlboro red" a day smoker and said he hadn't touched one in 3 months since starting vaping. "OK, now I'm listening" So, I observed this for a couple weeks, then one night I have this amazing dream. I had had dreams about my father before, but in this one he is telling me over and over "now that you know there is a solution, what are you waiting for" I woke up that morning with every second of that dream burned in my mind. My wife had some school clothes shopping to do in downtown L.A. that day, so me, my son and his girlfriend go along for the ride. I had my own agenda and was just hoping there would be something vapor related downtown. To our surprise there was a few stores and I ended up getting a pretty good deal, a new itaste SVD, a battery and six 15ml bottles of juice 18mg nic, all for $70.00. I didn't smoke an analog for about a week, I've been vaping for a month and have had a couple of slips, but I don't ride myself to hard about it...just keep vaping...right? Btw, I fricken love the fruit flavors...Peach baby yeah!!! PEACE
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