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  1. Just found this on another forum. "I don't know how accurate your typical meter would be, since the Vamo uses PWM and doesn't put out a strictly DC voltage. But you should be able to tell if the voltage and power are adjusting properly just from the amount of vapor...." So looks like it's probably not the Vamo voltage wrong, I just can't measure the voltage with normal meters. Good to know. I started using the watts settings and like it much better. Waiting to get my Genny RBA clone in today. Hoping that will help with flavor although a lot of vapers say RBA attys are not VV friendly. IDK guess I will find out. If not, I need a replacement Pro Tank anyway...lol ~BK
  2. Not sure what doesn't make sense in what you quoted. If the Vamo display says 4 volts, which on 2 meters shows actual voltage of around 3 volts, I get a slight burnt taste using 2 different Vision brand clearomizers both of which had brand new coils installed. Make sense? As stated, I checked with 2 meters to rule out my personal meter being at fault. The second meter used belongs to a electrical tech at work and was just calibrated so I think the meters check out. I agree 3v is not really vapable. I didn't say I got a lot of vape, just burnt taste. The Vamo V3 does not have the option to change voltage between RMS volts and AVG modes. ~BK
  3. Hey guys, Just got a Vamo V3 a few days ago. Could not seem to find the "sweet spot" setting for me. Using a Protank, then a couple of Ego threaded clearomizers then a 510 threader clearo. I made the rookie mistake of over tightening the 510 and pushed the center pin down. Before I researched the forums and found the fix, I started checking with my voltage meter when the nothing would fire or read ohms. I found that the displayed voltage is way lower than the set voltage using the meter. At 3 volts, I am reading 1.53v. The actual voltage is way low all the way up to 6v where it reads 6.17v. After correcting the center pin issue, I re-checked with a different meter and same problem. What is really strange though is setting much over 4v which is actually somewhere around 3 on the meters, I start getting a slight burnt taste on 2 different styles of Vision clearos, both with brand new coil heads. I broke my Protank so can't test with it. Has anyone else encountered issues like this with their Vamo? I sent a ticket in to Fasttech about it with pics and am awaiting a reply. I would really like a fix instead of having to send it back and wait a month for a replacement. I know prolly not a real chance though... Anyone? Thanks, ~BK
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