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Everything posted by rcoe

  1. Besides discountvapers.com what's another reputable supplier of the spinner?
  2. Wow. that looks a heck of a lot better than they do coming out of the box!
  3. Strawberry Fields from Vapedudes....Good stuff. Real strawberry. Nice
  4. https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/942765_696035393759584_60416711_n.jpg
  5. Vape Dudes Black Licorice. If you like black licorice this is pretty good.
  6. Yep. It's the real deal. I'm getting used to it. Also got a couple Davide Mini's in the mail last night....plenty to play with. Airy or not still sure beats the hell outa analogs.
  7. In their first 2 posts....ditto over in the juice forum....
  8. My mini armada
  9. 2 Davide Minis and a vapedudes sampler arrived today
  10. All of Fridays orders are now in the hands of the USPS! Oh the agony.
  11. I am the potato chip man.....
  12. Hula Girl....pretty good stuff from a local vendor
  13. so I've only been vaping for 4 weeks and the only juices I've had came from two local b&ms. They both sell 70PG/30VG blends. Lifes been good....until today. I ordered some stuff from vapedudes last week that I'm anxiously awaiting, but in the mean time I stopped by a new little b&m on the way home to check them out. Their standard blend is 50/50...hmmm. Interesting....I sampled some...not bad. "Give me a 30ml of that Hawaiian Punch at 18mg nic" I said. Got home, thoroughly cleaned out an Evod, and filled it half way to give the new juice a try.... HOLY 50/50opolis! Smooth...no irritating burning...and VAPOR! 50% max PG for this kid in the future....this stuff is delicious...and it hasn't steeped yet..... What a revelation!
  14. Oh my...what have we devolved to?
  15. Welcome!
  16. Anybody heard anything about this newness? http://vaporjoe.blogspot.com/2013/09/rollout-kanger-unitank-top-filling.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+VaporJoes-DailyVaporDeals+(Vapor+Joes+-+Daily+Vapor+Deals)&m=1
  17. Mountain Dew (while drinking my morning diet Mountain Dew) A double whammy of citrusy goodness!
  18. Every time mine pops my wife yells "crackhead"! LOL
  19. Thanks Troy, ya changed tips and juice. A little better,but meh. Not excited.
  20. Too tight? Ouch. Me thinks their process is a tad sloppy. Hoping the davides are better.
  21. Can you say airy? Wow. The drip tip also isn't machined to fit properly. It wobbles. Smoother, thicker hit from my evods. Very disappointed.
  22. Water intake has increased,but I'm so hooked on Nic I dont think it will ever drop. Just glad I never tried meth. I'd be dead.
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