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Everything posted by rcoe

  1. Nice Melons is great. Unicorn Blood is great. Krankberry is very good. Not a huge fan of Gummy Blood, but I've had worse.
  2. Krankberry....the last of my Fuzion sampler...
  3. I found early on that my protank 2 didn't do anything on it's own. Whenever something unfortunate happened I was always involved....LOL They've been flawless since I figured out how to properly use them (with y'alls help of course).
  4. Congratulations Medi-Man
  5. Fuzion order: 30ML Unicorn Blook Sampler of Orangezilla, Endless Summer, Fruit Blend #357 Temco 100' of 32g Kanthal Mesh Wizard 10' of 3.5mm silica wick Good times.
  6. Congrats B! That's good stuff right there.
  7. I just rebuilt 12 coils. Took about an hour. Each reading between 2.2 and 2.5 on the Vamo. Sweet.
  8. The new 3 is different from the NEXTTANK. The 3 is glass and dual coil.
  9. and then you've got this too... http://www.szkanger.com/product_d1.asp?idd=96&ids=6&SortID=30&id=30&ord=100
  10. Alot of the folks around here really like the spinner. VV like the twist. Easier to see the dial and settings on the bottom. http://www.theveteranvaper.com/vision-spinner-1300mah-variable-voltage-battery/ edit: that vendor gets great reviews here as well.
  11. Good Lawdd I cannot believe your one-sidedness....kidding (that was entertaining though) My first was the same as yours from sweet vapes and the second I got from DV had all the stuff you got with your second. They definately changed it up. I'm not sure what the spare o-rings are for though...they don't fit the drip tip I got.
  12. "vape that s$#t!" yes. I snorted. bwaha you need to change "Fuzion Fanboy!" to that
  13. Nothing right now....I'm at 32,000 feet in a damn plane....but as soon as I get off of this thing bwahahahah
  14. All of my KPT2's rock a bit. My Davides are snug. Go figure.
  15. Straight lung, but that's with a clearo (kpt2 or like)
  16. (Vamo) crud...did I say that out loud?
  17. Um, where I'm from they call that stealing.
  18. Welcome. Any questions just ask. Lotsa good folks around here.
  19. A talking walker! Run Shoot Run!
  20. Hmm. I don't see it in the App Store. I'll look again. Thanks
  21. That's an adriod app?
  22. It's a good thing the kids ok too.
  23. The center post is threaded on both ends and it appears on the website that there many by two glass sizes (but that might be a distorted pic.
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