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Everything posted by rcoe

  1. Welcome fellow Texan (ok I'm a transplant LOL), but welcome any-who
  2. Unicorn Blood. If you haven't tried fruit blend #357 give it a go. Good stuff. Fuzion.
  3. That's awesome. "Enough gear for a week". Back ups!
  4. Ha...funny. I was 10 when I got mine. Then moved up the a Browning 12ga semi auto that I still have...one of the old ones made in Belguim...sweet gun....smoooth. Got my first rabbit with the 410 about 40 yards off the back door...house was surrounded by timber. Dad still likes to tell the story of me coming up over the hill with a big toothy grin and that damn rabbit shot all to hell....LOL
  5. Christmas 1977...ah memories...got my first shotgun...single shot 410. Put quite a few rabbits and squirrels on the table with that little beauty. Still own it today. rix - try some of that crab juice you were talking about...LOL
  6. I did try a wonderful pickled egg the other day..no wait, wrong forum.
  7. "ut most of the time.. the vapor is too harsh to be inhaled" That's not right. Good Luck at the store.
  8. What Nic level did you buy? What's the pg/vg ratio? Are you a smoker trying to quit? How much did you smoke before?
  9. Using a 1/16 bit. Torched and tight.
  10. 10 wraps of 32 g kanthal and came in at 3.0 after torching? Why is it so high? Thought I'd e closer to 1.8 or 2.0
  11. Endless Summer in the mini Davide and unicorn blood in the pt2. Gotta love vapemail.
  12. welcome!
  13. G'day
  14. Oh my....Kanger is going Apple with the "S"
  15. No kidding after all this....where is this APV!!!!!!!
  16. nom nom nom (troll feeding sound) nom nom nom
  17. "delusional tards"? cognitively under developed;impaired and experiencing alternative realities? point your finger at someone there's at least 3 pointed back at you. Glad your getting your prize though.
  18. "dish soap" now that brought back some memories from 40 years ago that I didn't need to remember (who knew bastard was a bad word? I certainly didn't. DAD SAID IT!)
  19. Thanks Troy! 'Preciate it
  20. Tam - can you put a link to this magical device?
  21. Mocha Java Drizzle by Vape Dudes
  22. Perfect Marty!!!!'
  23. Mattress coils? I'm gonna need a bigger battery
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