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Everything posted by Rcam1977

  1. that's awesome, thanks
  2. Just placed an order for a pair of the VTC4 batteries and a blue case
  3. I am trying to edit my post and add a pic but it will it let me for some reason, I've tried to upload one from my camera roll and even tried to take a new pic while editing the post and do a direct upload and it gets an error and will not post the pic......?
  4. From Fast Tech nimbus clone m16 clone in all brass From Harbor Freight Small tool box Dental pics Mini needle nose pliers Mini wire cutters Butane torch Tweezers From EBay Organic cotton balls 50ft of 28GA kenthal 50ft of 30GA kenthal
  5. I've tried alot of tanks, for a while there I would buy a new tank every week but kept going back to ny pro tanks, I really want to try a good cargo though, tried a cheap DCT, but nit getting good results so far
  6. sorry if this has been posted befor but I couldn't find anything on batteries just for mechs. I purchased one of the orange MNKE 186501500 mah 3.7v batteries from my local B&M but know im going to need more than 1 so I figured I would check here and see what you fine folks recommend, I just purchased my first mech mod and it should arrived today so I really need some advise on what batteries I should be looking into getting and recommendations on where to get the best deals on them, thanks in advance...
  7. personally I have not had good luck withy the iclear tanks, I just got the Coolfire2 last Monday and have not used the new iclear tank that came with it, my brother tried his and it gurgled pretty bad, hope you have better luck with yours than ive had though.
  8. yeah I know what you mean, I liked her character the first couple seasons, but she has become a real c**t the past couple seasons, this show actually made me really like Katy Segal as an actor though.
  9. I agree with Happy, buy a handful of samples and go from there
  10. Welcome, there are some talented folks around this forum, I haven't ventured into the DIY world of vaping yet but plan to eventually, I've only been vaping since last August, just now getting into the rda's and mech.'s
  11. , Yeah that's what I ordered as well, I'm looking forward to doing some twisted wire builds
  12. Have you tried the Clapton Coil yet? That looks pretty interesting. Personally I can't wait to get my nimbus and try a dual dragon coil build
  13. Let me know what the website is when you find it
  14. Been following this show since season 1and can't wait for the new season to start.
  15. Wow talk about diving right in, sound like your off to good though.... If you haven't already stumbled onto his channel yet, check out Rip Trippers on YouTube, he does some awesome coil builds, and some very good reviews., and he's funny as hell also.
  16. I got some organic cotton and a butane torch an some dental pics and a small tool box to store my coil building supplies, should get a couple rolls of kenthal in the mail before the end of the week, and with any luck I'll get my M16 Clone and Nimbus from Slow Tech this week as well
  17. Welcome, you'll love the MVP, they are a great mod,I had one for a while and got rid of it, been tempted to get another one but if I did I'll get the VTR.
  18. The funny thing is I have 3 orders from them I'm waiting on and ordered like a week apart from each other and I think the third order is going to deliver before the first order and the second order is going yo be last to show up, the first order about 4weeks ago was some coils for my KTP's and I'm almost out so I hope they get here soon, I hate buying them at the B&M, they rape you on coils, I don't get why they still charge so much for the small stuff, my local B&M that I frequent most gets a lot of there stuff from Fast Tech as well, I've been there and watched the owner unbox a box load of stuff that he just got from them, I understand they have overhead but they could easily afford to lower their prices on a lot of the smaller items like coils heads and some of other things and still be making a killing...... Sorry for the rant....: )
  19. Makes sense
  20. That's an awesome idea, cheap and easy modification, and looks good, thanks for sharing
  21. Kinda looks like a repurposed flash light
  22. I personally find the tanks that cone in the kit useless unless your using a ego style pen bat, I prefer the Kanger Pro Tank 2's and anything from a 1.8-2.5 coil head, I'm fairly new myself but am finding I'm getting better vapor production and good flavor with the 1.8 coil head, have used the 2.5 mostly though ..... Just my .02
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