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Everything posted by Rcam1977

  1. I would also agree that the lower you go in Nic level the less throat hit you notice, I actually bought some 0 Nic juice in 100% VG to use with my mech and dropped, and could notice difference in throat hit and the flavor as well
  2. I've got the Maraxus clone, not sure who made it or what the voltage drop is but it hits like a beast, the only thing I have changed was I took the upper ring with the teeth on it and turned it upside down so the teeth face up, more comfortable to hold that way
  3. I've heard good reviews about the steam turbine,
  4. I had a MVP2.0, they are great mods, and the battery life is awesome, didn't care for the tank that came with it though.
  5. The VTR is an awesome mod, and I think 88evape has the on sale for 65.99 right now,
  6. I did very little camping growing up and no back country camping until a year ago, and I'm 36, so its never to late to start. I decided a little over a year ago I wanted to try and do some hiking to loose some weight and to get out into the woods and one thing lead to another, I stumbled onto a video on YouTube Shug hiking the SHT and hammock camping and then learned about hammock forums and the rest is history, if anybody is curious about hammocks www.hammockforums.net is an amazing forum, reminds me of VT, everybody is very helpful friendly to the noobs. And have made some of the best friends of my life by venturing into the woods with a bunch of total strangers.
  7. I saw a video on YouTube nit to long ago where a guy was having similar issues with his maraxus, had something to do with the way he had the pieces configured, you might do a search on YouTube,
  8. Well I just got back from my first outing for the year, I belong to a forum called www.hammockforums.com and this past weekend was are annual Hoosier hang, we had a great time, it was a fairly easy 1.5-2 mile hike into the valley and there were between 25-35 people that attended, and even a couple tent campers as well, the majority of us are hammock campers. The event was held on the north edge of the Hoosier National Forrest in the Charles Deam Wilderness area and people came from as far north as Jackson Michigan and as far south as Louisville KY, there at least one person from Ohio and I think somebody from Illinois as well, well anyway was just curious if there were any rustic campers here as well, I love the outdoors, its like meditation for the soul for me.
  9. I have a cheap BDC carto tank that I purchase because I wanted to try a cargo tank and never did get it to work right, nothing but burnt taste, also tried a t3 tank and it seemed okay for the first day, but went to crap, mostly had good luck with the KPT'S
  10. My brother and a good friend of ours actually got off chewing tobacco by vaping, I tend to think that its more about finding that one juice that you really like that really convinces you that you don't need the tobacco anymore, fore my brother it was the fact that his breath didn't stink any more and he feel self conscious about his breath around his girl friend and the fact he was getting sores in his mouth from the tobacco. Just my .02 good luck with your quest.
  11. Also make sure you coil head is still tight, some time they cone loose and will cause flooding issues
  12. Thanks for the replies, guess I'll have to stick with the KPT2
  13. So nobody has any suggestions on a good genesis style tank on the cheap
  14. I am wanting to try a Genesis style tank and would like to find one that drop into the VTR without using the extension, any suggestion?
  15. Ordered a small bottle of Cherry Limeade, for my wife from Mt. Baker and ended up liking it so much myself that I've filled my tank twice so I went ahead and ordered a 50ml bottle last night with a a double flavor shot,
  16. Well it wasn't through the mail but I did pickup a Tobeco Hammer Mod today off my brother, I've heard if you switch out the top cap and the fire button they can be made to work pretty good, figured for 20.00 I'd grab it up
  17. I've seen this thread a few time but just finally decided to check it out, pretty interesting, as a dispatcher myself and coming from a family of truck drivers. Hope you get home soon and get to spend some time with your wife, my wife and I work opposite shifts and I sometimes feel like a OTR, since the only time we see each other is on Saturdays and Sundays, I even feel bad at times for taking time away from her and making time for my hobbies but she's very understanding and I encourage her to go an do things with her friends as well.
  18. That's awesome, good for you, the lowest I done so far was .4 so far, and my cotton kept catching fire
  19. Well I stopped by my local B&M and found out i did get a legit VTR, apparently its a version 2, found a vid on YouTube also talking about the spinning 510 connection on the V1 causing issue with the ohm readings,
  20. Big Vape mail in today, My order from Wizard Labs came in ( thanks to Comp) for recommending them by the way. And I also received my new VTR today, But I need some help from others that own a VTR. I got the Camo version which is actually just green, my 510 connection ring looks different and it does not spin ? I went on innokins we sight and typed in the verification code to check authenticity and it came back as authentic, the code was also on the inside cover of the little manual? I've not seen or heard of any VTR Clones , but wondering if I got a knock off instead of the real deal?
  21. thats a nice on the go setup
  22. Those are some good clouds, I tried to attach a video but I'm not having any luck with it
  23. I purchased a bunch of stuff from them as well Friday night should sitting on my doorstep by the end of the week
  24. That's awesome that you have some more experienced vapers in your community, I'm still muddying my way through it solo outside of the advise I get from here and my local B&M, I would to have somebody sit down with me and show how to build coils, I'm learning on my own though but still nervous every time I build one.
  25. Thanks Comp, ill keep that in mind,
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