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  1. Thanks for replying, I stopped by my local shop and picked a couple 25r's
  2. Can anybody tell me if these batteries are safe to use, I am using a Manger Sub Box mod with the Sub Tank Mini with .5 coils
  3. Thanks for the link
  4. got a question on batteries, i just ordered a provari 2.5 and also ordered some flat top batteries not knowing that they would not work with the provari2.5, so i need some options on good 18650 batteries for the 2.5 please, what are other Provari 2.5 users using?
  5. K old like this device is already being cloned and sold in shops, I saw one today at my local B&M, it was labeled Emech on the shelve but was actually a Heatvape Invader, looked exactly like the Dovpo with a different logo and when you hit the fire button the panel on the back displayed the Heatvape name, I tried to do a search on YouTube the and did not come up with anything.
  6. Does anybody know if the one that VT is selling is the V1 or the V2
  7. I can't imagine trying to use anything higher than 5 or 6 mg niq in a dripper, I loaded my rda with some 18 one time by mistake and thought I was gonna pass out and it was harsh as all get out , I typically mix my own at 3mg anymore
  8. Well I got my black Brass Monkey RDA in the mail today and the 2 drip tips I ordered, here's a couple pics on the black Panzer These drip tips from FT are pretty sweet, and only a couple bucks a piece, only took 2 weeks to get them
  9. I have a tumbler I use to clean spent brass casings when I do reloads, this might worth trying, I'll let you guys know if I do try it out
  10. I was on FT tonight looking at the AR Mod Clones and couldn't decide between the black or silver so I got both and. Black IGO M and. Black drip tipp
  11. I don't have a mvp but I would think you would be ok with. 1.2-1.8 coil build, probably not going to give you the effect that a mech mod will but should get you an idea of what it's like, I've got a Vamo v5 and sometimes build a 1.5 coil and drip with it , when I don't want to carry more than one mod I'll just carry a couple tanks and extra battery and do that
  12. That's sweet, I like it
  13. That's sweet, I need to contact him about getting one
  14. Just signed up, thanks for the info
  15. Got some supplies from Wizard Labs today Thank again to Comp for pointing me in the right direction as to where to get mixing supplies and for all the help, you were a big help bro.
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