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Everything posted by Jessicapinkie1

  1. Lol this is me!!! I'm so nurvous using the pro tank it stays inside. My whole house but kitchen is new fluffy carpet
  2. Oh LOL okay well I told his a** to just go buy one I ordered at sweet vapes for the first time. Just the chrome cones (small and large) a mini pro 2 & a little battery holder thingy to set on my table. Oh and some 50/50 butterscotch my friend loves it so ill try it. Just a small bottle to test.
  3. Are you sure medic? Because both the clearo and bat my brother has are female and the link is for a female and male connection. I need two male connection to connect them. Right? Another thing the dang discount supply's won't except my card I tried 6 times everything is correct and it has $ on it + I just used it on another site. Grrrrrr
  4. But the pics are not of my battery or my clearo Those are my brothers a e smart and suposidly a e smart clearo (which I find out it is not) I ordered them from vaper kings. (Who say there are two types of e smarts) idk if they make two different types of e smarts with two different connections. Do they?
  5. Thanks guys This will have to be my next paycheck. This payday is bills so have $50 this means the spinner and the mini. Thanks for the song
  6. Thank you!!! The VAMO is what I was looking at last night on discount vapes
  7. Awe well thank you to you IMEDIC & your wife. Yes those are my hands Thank you all I think since my brother lives in San Antonio ill just send him to a shop I like the shop called thanks for vapping. They have tons of really good products and juices to try but there on line selection sucks. Also what wasn't answered is about a bigger/thicker battery for when my hands are cramping or even a mod. (Maybe) I'm very new to all this so if you all think I'm ready for a mod it can be tried. I'm not going to place an order until I know what to get though. I do want a spinner but I think if I order a spinner 1300 ill order the pro tank 2 mini with it because all though I LOVE the pro tank 2 it's so top heavy that until I can level out the weight and get a thicker battery or mod I won't be able to use it every day
  8. Also what connection do I need to hook these two together? It's my brothers e smart and apparently there is two types and I ordered the other type of clearos is there a adapter?
  9. I'm thinking about placing another order tomorrow as you have read I want the spinner 1300 but I need a battery that's thicker than my eVod battery because my hands cramp up so bad I think it would be easier to hold. Not sure on that. Also now I'm using the pro tank 2 which I love very much!!!! Got it today. As you know it's top heavy I'm not worried about weight if I could just even it out a little with a bigger battery!?! Does this even make since lol lack of sleep here Do you have a pic of a spinner 1300 next to the eVod battery?? I want to compare before buying. Another thing should I just get the mini pro tank or the mini Davide until I can afford a nice bigger battery? My limit right now is $50 Thanks everyone!!!
  10. Can someone's post a pic of the eVod battery next to the spinner 1300?? I am thinking about also getting a thicker battery. I have fibromyalgia and my hands crap I think they May be easier to hold. I don't work I'm home all the time so I'm not worried about the bulk if I go somewhere I can use the eVod or the spinner. What thicker battery is good? I still want the same connection to use the pro tank. Thanks again you all are wonderful and teach me so much
  11. Holy comparison batman Wow this pro tank is AMAZING & love the strawberry juice
  12. I guess I know what my next order will be lol A Davide & a spinner
  13. Oh okay I wasn't sure what it meant. I'm so bummed my order was sent Monday with two day shipping and its not here should be here tomorrow. Ruened my whole day grrrrrr
  14. What type of e juice is best for the pro tank? I read that the high caliber is best? That's what I ordered with the pro tank in strawberry & no flavor
  15. Ha ha ha ha that got me laughing pretty good thanks for that. The pics really help a lot I'm going to go with the 1300 I think
  16. Another question UHG Will my eVod charger work with the spinner or do I need to buy one?
  17. Awesome!!! That's what I have been eyeing Thanks again
  18. What should I get? I have the kanger eVod starter kit with pro tank 2 on the way!!! I want a really good battery!!! Also will a drip tip work with the pro tank 2? I have so much to learn about all these toys!!!
  19. I bought from ecigs best save Pro tank 2 High caliber juice n strawberry & no flavor & adapter my brother needed
  20. Lol awesome because I have cash but only $4.11 on a card so can't afford shipping for one. I have so much to learn about all these vapping devices ha ha
  21. Will I be able to use it without the skirt until it arrives?
  22. In the pics it doesn't look like it does
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