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Everything posted by Jessicapinkie1

  1. Ah now I see all my posts were moved well noww I know lol
  2. How can I change my time? Im on my cell and dont have wifi to use my pc
  3. Ok no problem I just always post there in the past just havent been here latley. Never noticed being moved before
  4. Wanted this in the new section but it keeps getting moved. So since im not bran new I can't post there??? Wanted this in the new section but it keeps getting moved. So since im not bran new I can't post there??? Lol and its 8:44 here how do I change that?
  5. Try out the sub tanks from mom & pops vapor shop Love these so much I will only use carto tanks from now on any one else find reasonable priced carto tanks with the easy fill port? Just looking around. Havent been here n a little while so wanted to say hi
  6. Okay as I had posted before I was having problems with my pro tank 2 and mini 2 also dont like the itaste 30, nova or evod all for diffrent reasons. So I found mom and pops vapor shop and ordered a mini sub. No leaking, no mess, hassle free filling but most of all what a great taste!!! All my juices taste amazing with these carto tanks & the mini and full size are only 12.99 they put desired holes n the carto and it comes put together just fill and vape! Yay I lioe them so much I traded a friend who makes juice 4 bottles of juice for all of my tanks I didnt like Mom and pop vapor shop Iis a pretty cool on line shop between them qnd 510 ego.com I dont go anywhere else to buy online Also while im here if you havent checked out 510 ego.com steve has free shipping in the us awesome juices and great prices. Shipping is super fast and if theres a problem he will fix it. Awesome shop I get my juice mainly from my friend Jordon now he has good selection and good prices. pm me for info My tank
  7. Yup I'm excited to try new juice and stuff for coils I was going to throw out. I was so mad like what a waist of $
  8. I'm thinking it is it has to be. It's just a strawberry juice. But the guy I'm swapping with is making me strawberry to replace it
  9. I had coils and tanks on stand by ran out of all my juices but that one. By the time my new juice got here I only had one left. Tomorrow I'm going to order more stuff.
  10. I will prob call some on line shops to see if they have them. Or send my brother to a shop before he comes to visit. I still have my mini pro & I'm going to order different tanks.
  11. Pg/vg says 70/30 it's high caliber e juice (it's the only one that burns them out) ran out of my other juices except one. Been using the one for 2 days same coil no bad taste. Some times I will vape 5 6 times in 5 min but just depends. I use the eVod battery that came with my starter kit not sure volt need to check. This juice gets gunked up within a hour it's no good and my favorite flavor. I'm getting new juice from a guy on here for my coils and this juice.
  12. Oh yeah & the seal ring in my pro tank 2 fell down the sink so anyone know where I can buy one?
  13. Quite frustrated. So I said all my coils were burnt out because of my juice. I think that's why. So I ordered new coils from the market because it looked a little cheaper. Well u wanna know why!?! Because there selling singles not the pack so for four with shipping I could have got 10 from another site. Really!?! Oh man I have the worst luck lately with vapeing. Thankfully I'm getting new juice from a guy who wants my used coils. Any way I don't know if I want to keep using my pro tanks. I'm going to try it with my new juice but I am going to order different tanks to see what I like best. Sorry For Rambling Jess
  14. Check your messages
  15. Ha ha ha u guys crack me up
  16. Awesome thanks
  17. LOL yes I let them dry before I re use them As soon as it starts tasting bad I take it out and rinse sometimes soak in hot water. Not sure what else to do. Maybe someone should teach me how to re do them lol
  18. Fry? What do you mean?
  19. LOL @ MEDIC ill check it out can u post the link? Christie there bran new when I put them to use then before my tank is empty they burn out. If they don't I rinse them in hot water and put them back in. Bebop yeah that's what I said. I've been pretty ticked off lol
  20. My strawberry juice (the only juice I have that I like right now) is burning out all my coils within the same day to next morning. It's resiculouse. I'm using the pro tank 2 and mini pro tank 2. With the 2.2 I think it is & my battery is the one that came with the eVod starter kit I need to look back and see what one it is. Any ways what are the best brand juices to buy and where? If anyone has samples I'd love to try flavors!!! Thanks everyone Oh if anyone wants a bunch of burnt out coils let me know
  21. Sounds exactly like what I'm going thew lol
  22. I'm using my kanger eVod that came in the starter kit and I've been using the strawberry juice so maybe that's what it is. Not sure Yes it's the coils I don't have the things to replace them. I use the kind that comes with the pro tank. Don't think the ones I got are made by kanger though. But the pro tanks are real kanger.
  23. Hi everyone So I have had the pro tank & mini pro for a little while now and the things keep burning out. At first I thought okay it's because I didn't keep it full enough. Nope. So then I tried cleaning them every refill. Nope. Then I tried a different brand of juice so far it's okay. This really sucks because I love this brand strawberry. Any ways I'm almost out of all my refill things and that ticks me off lol
  24. Great idea!!! Thank you
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