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Everything posted by BintMatin

  1. I can't imagine anything could make a mod worth 3k. But I'm sure there are people out there who will buy it.
  2. I have a Provari Mini coming in the mail. And a DIY kit. Oh yeah and a Bulli.
  3. I won a mod I never heard of before. It arrived today. It's called the Ovale V6 and it is plastic. It came with two batteries a charger and two plastic tanks. Anyone ever seen these before?
  4. Are you doing another coop? Did I miss out?
  5. Good day all. We'll. I had a lot of luck on a couple if online shows yesterday. I win a mod, a JWrap and some juice. I PIFed the mod. But the juice. No WAY!!! Anyhow. I also won a contest in ECF. I pifed that back too because I am an idiot and did not deserve it. But. On to better things.
  6. I ordered an SID. I hope it come soon. I also have several wins coming from shows online.
  7. I have an x-6 and an SID in order. They are my birthday gifts to myself (Oct 28)
  8. I got an MVP. It's Version 1 but I don't do rebuilding so...
  9. I upgraded. I emptied my craft tote. It is now my Vape Kit.
  10. I got an iTaste VV VW v3 and gave my spinner to my daughter.
  11. I got a new Vision Spinner yesterday.
  12. Today's vapemail. A replacement battery. A replacement charger and som Vision Nanos for my daughter.
  13. BintMatin


    It's very similar to what i have. Mine is an evod battery with a Kanger Protank Mini.
  14. That is so cool. We need something like that here in Mn.
  15. A girl could get really jealous here. All the tummies and goodies mentioned here!!!
  16. Not too big but I just started. And I share with my daughters.
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