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  1. Just east of Marion.
  2. Well, I will start this reply with a bummer. I quit smoking on Aug. 2 after 30 + years. On Nov. 4th, I was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. I just finished my first round of chemo this afternoon. I am still vaping -it's kind of like, why the hell not, at this point. I almost guarantee that, if it weren't for Ecigarettes, I probably would have returned to smoking on getting the bad news. Anyway, yesterday I met with the radiation oncologist, and shared with him that I was vaping, and asked his opinion. He was quite blunt, and said the usual party line, they haven't been out long enough to truly know how harmful they may be or not be. But then he shared his opinion, that, from what he has studied over the years, he can see no evidence that nicotine, by itself, has any carcinogenic properties. He then added that, if it keeps me from smoking analogs, he has no problem with it. Just his two cents worth.
  3. A new store just opened up in Herrin, IL, between Marion and Carbondale - SI Vapes. Pretty good selection. They carry Halo, Mountain Oaks and their own brand liquids, and I saw Ego style products.
  4. We cancelled our trip on Friday. We are going to the Breckinridge area instead. Estes needs tourists right now like it needs more rain. The city have banned all visitors for the foreseeable future, and the national park is closed.
  5. I received a new "Vision" Spinner on Monday. I'm not sure that it is not a knock off, but it does not have the Vision logo on the side. It is a 1300 mah version. I tried to charge it when I got it, but it acted on the charger like it was fully charged. So I used it for most of the day on an Evod, and it appeared to work fine, until the battery died. The LED blinked about 15 times, just like my Ego Twist does. I put it on the Ego charger, and...nothing. Charger light stayed green, and the LED did not light. I tried a different charger with same result. I tried charging on the wall, a computer, no difference. I tried to pull the battery pin up a little, until I knew I was making contact in the charger - no change. Am I missing something, or do I just have a bad battery? I have contacted the vendor, and they suggested trying everything I've already tried. Any suggestions? Jim
  6. Estes Park.
  7. Hi all. Been lurking for about a month now. My wife and I have been vaping for two and a half years, but never stopped smoking, until 4 weeks ago. I started out with 510's, moved up to the ego c two years ago, then to the Ego T. I am currently using Evods on Ego T batteries, as well as an Ego Twist, a Vision Spinner, and an Apollo VV. I am rebuilding my coils because I'm a) cheap, finds it adds a different dimension to the whole process. We decided to quit now because we are getting ready to spend a week in the Rockies, and wanted to be able to breathe. I smoked for over 34 years, and am still dealing with daily cravings, but I think it is more psychological than physical. Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Jim
  8. I can find nothing here in the Marion-Carbondale area.
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