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Everything posted by thomac13

  1. I hope you are right lol
  2. Next time I do it I will take a couple for you
  3. A small step for many but I re wicked my evod heads with cotton and it's shocking the difference it makes. I also couldn't believe all the crud built up on the coil that forced a dry burn. It's better than a new head. Hopefully I will be getting my kanthal wire in a few days as it shipped out today. I also ordered 3 of the smoktech aro pyrex tanks as I have read good things about them. Trying to wait until I get a mod before going with a true rebuildable or protank type since I only have the ego twist batts.
  4. I am looking to get into mixing my own and would like to try my three favorites to start with. I have a hard time picking the top so I just go with my top 3 that I rotate throughout the day. They are the Nicquid 18mb Apple Frost, Bahama Breeze, and Southern Freeze. Being new to this I was hoping to keep it as simple as possible such as getting my nicbase in say either a 24, 36, or 48mg. I would like my final breakdown to be about 60/40 pg/vg as the higher pg juices I have tried seem to be a dryer hit. Any help or direction would be great. Thanks in advance.
  5. I love the idea of being able to make my own ejuice and saving money. I have been reading around a bit and it doesn't seem overly complicated however some additional help is needed. What kind of cost am I looking at to get started to make 4-5 flavors or so? I currently use an 18mg nic so that would be it to start with then dropping down to 12mg. I love the Nic Quid southern freeze, bahama freeze, and apple frost for some ideas of the direction I would start in.
  6. Southern Breeze from Niquid, purchased at Altsmoke
  7. New here and to Vaping. Making the switch from analogs to e-cigs has been a bit of a process. I just wanted to say Hey to eveyrone and thank you guys for all of the info. I got my set up from a brick and morter AltSmoke shop here in Columbus, OH. its a twist batter with the iClear 16 tank. So far I love it, almost to the point of not liking the ananlogs at all anymore. Give me shout if you are in the area. I am new and learning but locals to chat with would be nice and maybe meet a couple of the shops in town
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