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Everything posted by Ugalady83

  1. I love that Pelican 1150 case. However, I need it Kelly green and bedazzled with some colorful rhinestones. Lol.
  2. To Bushwick. I've had EC's watermelon. Just wanted to say it's really good and let you know that DFW vapor has a really good watermelon (my favorite so far).
  3. Sinabon from the VaporHut and piña colada and Tiger's blood mixed from two other vendors.
  4. I play pool two nights a week. Last weekend we were at a two day tournament and the 2nd day walking into to the pool hall and the rank smell of stale smoke made me want to puke.
  5. Wow I love all these pics! I like stainless as well and then I can wrap to change it up, etc. And Mayhem, only 6 weeks in...that's awesome. You've got some great things that early on. Joe joe I see you've got your honey buns too.
  6. Sounds like the tabs would well.
  7. Finally! Vaped for a year before I quit smoking cigs on Nov 30th.
  8. Thanks. I'm liking this app.
  9. I really want a Provari though. Just think it's fun to see everyone's cool gear.
  10. Thanks. I'll try this.
  11. I can't figure it out.
  12. So excited! Came home and put my mini vivi nova on and can vape at 8 watts. Haven't pushed passed that because it taste better at 7. I guess the bcc tanks are a little more sensitive than top coils? Hopefully this keeps working! Thanks for all the responses!!
  13. Thanks Irwink. I tried that too, just in case. Even though I've read all about the V3 being set to only RMS. I wish that was the problem.
  14. Do you have to draw fast on the HH? I like taking slow light/med draws. Just curious?? I'll definitely try my 510 tester atty tonight though to see if I notice any difference. Thanks
  15. DayVape, that sounds probable. All of my tanks are bcc I regularly use. I've never used a carto other than to test juices at my local shop. I do have an old vivi nova mini that I can test to see if it works better than the bcc tanks. I might have some tester cartos I could throw on it too. Been wondering if I should try one of the glass carto tanks? I just love clearos because the juice can be changed daily and they in general seem easier to maintain.
  16. I did let the wicks soak and of course did some dry pulls to prime them. I don't do any dry burning anymore. Had some bad luck with that about 1.5 years ago with that and never could get rid of the burnt taste...with some Screw tanks from Smok (don't use them anymore). I just clean the coils regularly and trash/replace when they start consistently tasting bad. The 4 coils are all new though and again they taste fine on my twists. I am running in wattage mode. I switched over to voltage last night for some test puffs right at 4 which is my sweet spot most of the time (with the twists) and it was bad, so I switched back to wattage and kept it at 3.5 watts. Can go to 4.5 watts, but flavor starts to mute. Even had my display set to read resistance just to be sure I was getting consistent ohm readings on the tank (not that it should matter in wattage mode). Thanks for the feedback.
  17. I guess I just think it could be defective based on what you and others are able to vape at (wattage wise).
  18. Thank you for the response. Three evods and one vape only mega bcc. All have fresh coils and I used two of the evods on my ego Twists this morning and everything tasted great right at 4 volts. I'm wondering if the difference of output from the ego vs. the V3 is the factor. I think egos put out at 3.6 volts or so. When I put the fresh 18650 in the V3 it registered 4.1. However, I thought this difference only relates to how much battery life is left.
  19. I am having a problem with my Vamo V3. I just received it yesterday. I know how to use it correctly. I did hours of research prior to selecting my 1st mod, studying watts vs volts, etc. I am using it in wattage mode with 2.5 Ohm resistant tanks/coils which are reading correctly on the device. However, when I am only vaping at 4 watts, that is only 3.16 volts and on my other battery devices I am able to vape at 4.0 to 4.2 volts which would be around 6.5 watts. However, I have tried 4 different tanks and anything above 4.5-5.0 watts is tasting extremely burnt. I'm disappointed because I so wanted thick clouds of vapor! Can you help? According to my calculations I should be able to set the device at 5-6.5 watts with no burnt taste. Is it possible my unit is defective?
  20. What is your favorite from Nicquid? Been wanting to try them but they're a little more expensive. Thinking about going with a sample pack.
  21. Vaperite also has an Atlanta location now. Also, check out the Vape Spot or Dixie Vapor in Kennesaw.
  22. Just bought some wild cherry from the Vape Spot in Georgia. It's very good. It taste kind of like a cherry lolly pop. Not at all like cough syrup like others have mentioned regarding cherry flavors.
  23. Classic country and oldies!
  24. I think $6 is a very good price for 10 ml.
  25. I love my two Vapeonly Mega BCC's. I have two EVODS and I like them with the exception of the size of the tank. I have a Kanger Protank I hate that I was ripped off on. Paid $30 and it leaks between the glass and bottom metal piece.
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