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Everything posted by wizard46304

  1. Good thing I've been reading this thread, some of the posts out of context, WOW!
  2. My ft order has sat in Hong Kong since Monday, not sure how long packages usually sit there.
  3. It will be out in a couple days
  4. 1 bottle Mad Murdock's Radiator Pluid, and 1 bottle M4.
  5. Just scored myself, got my usual Pluid and finally going to try m4
  6. I put the Web address in the other thread, tried a link but I must not be able to do that on my mobile.
  7. Have you tried rough neck from Mr E. Yet? That was my favorite when I was vaping tobacco flavor.
  8. Got PG, VG, tfa absinthe, loranns grape, melon, peach, and pear. One bottle of sweetener, and 10 needle tip bottles. My mods so far haven't left Hong Kong.
  9. Careful, that big of a vapor cloud could change earths climate.
  10. I'd love to open a shop, but I think the Netherlands is a bit to long of a commute for me.
  11. Not a big deal, mostly diy stuff over there. I was off all day and would have had plenty of time to play Mr Wizard. Now I have a good reason to come home from work tomorrow.
  12. I watched the mail get to my post office this morning, I live right across the street, should have ran over and got my stuff, lol
  13. Forgot todays a holiday, vape mail is sitting across the street untouchable.
  14. Yep, I think shipping is around $3, so if your in the neighborhood $22 is acceptable.
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