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Everything posted by wizard46304

  1. Napalm - Mr E-Liquid
  2. I kicked mine out in February, so I have acquired a lot of stuff in the last few months.
  3. I'm in Chesterton
  4. Welcome, what pat of Indiana are you from?
  5. Nonsense, and what about all the other crap that makes a cigarette much worse.
  6. The Helios was my first rda, very easy to build.
  7. I have a pile of .357's now, I occasionally use a couple of rda's that I have. Not a single tank left these days. Haha, I've caught the drip.
  8. I've grown a little from the wooden box, though it still stores some odds and ends.
  9. Well, I was so busy, I missed it. Thanks to everyone in the forum for your help in getting me this far.
  10. Your the bomb, and you know it.
  11. Pluid is awesome.
  12. Its a real taste treat. DO IT! LOL
  13. Custards last stand - nicoticket
  14. Already have extra drip Shields and tips. Now I'm waiting for the spinners and lanyard I bought so I can drip at work.
  15. You expecting a zombie apocalypse? That'll last a couple people a while. LOL
  16. I'm glad you got it working, its unfortunate that they are so finicky, but I like how they work when you get them to hook up.
  17. Good luck, like you were saying, look around the forum. There's alot of good information here.
  18. The ce's are really to figure out if you like vaping. Just about any clearomizer is an upgrade from those.
  19. Yeah, it does depend in your personal taste, so when you buy coils it will be a bit of trial and error to find your own sweet spot. But in the grand scheme, coils are cheap. If you look and have good enough eyesight, the ohms may be etched on the base of the coil.
  20. I'd be guessing, 2.2 or 2.5 to be good at 4 volts
  21. Not sure who makes them, doesn't matter if its a knock off or not as long as it works for you, I used knock off egos for several months when I started. voltage I'd probably 3.7, 4.0, 4.3
  22. First off, welcome. Secondly, I believe it's variable voltage, each color is a different setting. If I'm not mistaken, blue is low, purple is medium, and red is the highest.
  23. I've looked at those, they look nice. Figured I would try to one stop shop as much a possible.
  24. http://www.empiremods.com/product_p/driptaxxxl.htm'> http://www.empiremods.com/product_p/driptaxxxl.htm Here it is
  25. Oh, it's on the PC. Lol, empire says they are the longest tips they have if that helps.
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