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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Muhahaha... Comp beat me on the first call... so I was trying to beat him today... lol
  2. So CASAA has issued its second official call to action on the upcoming FDA proposed regulations... Please do your part and also share this info.... http://blog.casaa.org/2014/05/second-call-to-action-for-fda-proposed.html
  3. Yeah, who ever clones them just needs to change the name to something else, we all know what it is, you dont have to sell it as a "Hana Style" or Hana Clone" sell it with a simple name like "H Box 20w" H Box 30w" or something... lol
  4. Yeah im not too sure how well that will work. illvapes doesnt make them or claim to make them. I will have to read the laws closer though, cause if thats the case.... 99% of the Vape shops in America will go out of business since MOST of them sell knock offs.... lol
  5. I also drip in various ratios.... (wow that sounds like I need to go to the hospital!.. lol) But seriously though, its a personal preference really. Some flavors I find to be better at a higher VG or PG, and some I like at 50/50. It has been said though, that flavors tend to be more flavorful with a higher PG content (I think it was PG anyways), I couldn't tell you the validity of that though as im not a scientist/chemist and haven't done any testing.
  6. I steep my own juice I make, but I don't use heat, I just use a nice dark, cupboard and just let it sit with the cap off for about a week.
  7. I am actually vaping a home made recipe I call Dragon's Custard.... nothing too special though really, just a vanilla custard with a hint of peanut butter.
  8. Well at least its a re-wrapped VTC4 and not some Chinese knock off....
  9. You guys crack me up! If one isn't put together, I will sit down and piece together a quick guide. I probably wont be able to get anything completed till this weekend when I have time though. (4 day weekend for me) I will probably start it in the VIP area so we can all look at it and have input into it, in the event I leave something out, that way we can also get a mod to edit if need be before it goes public to all viewers.
  10. I for some reason couldn't pull the pics up on my internet, my computer is retarded... lol However, I can tell, you have a basic knowledge of what you are doing and own an ohm meter so I feel comfortable with saying... play around with different coils. Try using different gauge wire and vary the wraps till you find the gauge and wraps that suits your needs and likings. No one will be able to tell you exactly what to or how to build a coil that's perfect for you, building coils honestly is something that you have to expirement with (safely mind you.. lol) There are many different things that come into play with building coils that can effect how they perform, as stated previously, flooding, wicking, how far from the deck or how close to the deck the coils are, where your airholes are in relation to the coils, how big your airholes are, how tight your post screws are, how much cotton or wicking material you have packed in, etc.
  11. Wow... I didn't even know that! Shouldn't that be illegal, like copyright infringement or something?
  12. Yeah I noticed and fixed it... lol. Apparently I should add a number 6 that mentions spell check and ability to count to 5..... lol
  13. I could be mistaken on this one, but I believe its just the amperage it can handle... vtc4 can handle 30 amps and vtc5 can handle 35 amps.
  14. And did you buy an ohm meter while you were there? I heard those are needed while rebuilding coils and what not....
  15. Oh and I am not a admin or moderator and this thread is in no way endorsed by VT or its staff.
  16. In an effort to help reduce the overly repetitive question threads that have been popping up, I would like to ask that members read the following questions to yourself BEFORE posting your question. If you answer ANY of these with a YES, please research, and fix that issue prior to asking your question. Not only will this aid in reducing similar threads, it will most likely avoid the detrimental blow to your ego that will almost surely follow if your question is asked in absolute disregard to the above, and below.... 1. Are you unfamiliar with or did not purchase an Ohm meter prior to attempting to rebuild coils? 2. Are you unaware of Ohm Law? 3. Are you unfamiliar with the size, make and capabilities of your battery? 4. Is your primary focus of vaping solely to produce the biggest cloud humanly possible while absolutely being ignorant to your own safety and situational awareness? 5. Have you been vaping less then a day and already are a rebuilding guru who sub ohms using sticks and sweat, and only cares about the cloud? I honestly started this off seriously, but decided to have fun with it. However the first 3 questions are real and should be able to be answered with a NO prior to starting a new thread with a silly question that can be answered by yourself by simply doing a little research.
  17. Im carrying three today... lol... my sentinel m-16 with my stillare, my Ra'vapes launcher v2 with aspire nautilus, and lastly my MVP 2 with my RSST.
  18. Just a side note though, when you run dual coil set up, don't forget it cuts your resistance in half... in example... if you have two 1.0ohm coils and you put them in dual coil set up, you now have an effective ohm of 0.5 just food for thought when playing with coils and trying to avoid those super low ohms so ya don't cook off that grenade prematurely.
  19. One thing I will add to this is lately it seems the aspire coils have been sub par quality. Also running at 9watts, although not bad, can decrease the life a little in comparison to using lower watts. But I would say you probably just had variance in coil quality mixed with different juices. I honestly wouldn't pay much mind to it. I use to try to calculate coil life all the time, but it can be maddening, there are too many variables.
  20. Hmmm..... buy an ohm meter! You seem to have the general concept of building even if you did overlook the simplest and most important part of it. If your using 28g at 5 wraps, I don't necessarily think your resistance is your issue, unless of course you vented your battery and now your battery is toast, because you didn't have a ohm meter to check if the resistance on your coil was in a reasonable level for your particular battery to handle the amps. But hey at least you still have a hand so that's a plus! Check the center pin on your mech mod, some are adjustable and it may just be too low and isn't making contact with the center pin on your RDA's. Oh and in case it wasn't mentioned, buy an ohm meter, they are fairly cheap. Cheaper then replacing batteries or paying a hospital bill from losing your hand or something.
  21. Got my resupply of flavorings and PG and VG bases today.
  22. Pulled the old RSST off the shelve today to play around with some twisted coils on her..... I don't know what it is with the RSST, I have the hardest time getting a good coil on this thing! lol Threw a 28g twisted on it with 7/8 wrap.... the resistance is WAY higher than I like, came out to like 1.85ohms. Used organic cotton as a wick, but can't seem to get it to wick right without having to plug the airhole and sucking hard to force the liquid up the wick.
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