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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Sweet, thanks. Oh man I'm digging the contact upgrades they have for my nemmy and M16 too.
  2. Good lord that's a lot of juice and not cheap either! I love custards last stand and grandmaster. I been on a custard and peanut butter kick lately
  3. Yeah that would upset me too. I haven't even started my build yet... Lol. I have everything picked out, minus the 510 connector, still trying to find that piece. I'm just not sure how I'm gonna do the cuts on the box since I don't have the skills for that part on something that small.
  4. True, but some of them contacts need to be roughed a little to get rid of any coating or plating. I like brass contacts. But yeah I have used pencil eraser on the battery to get rid of the contact black mark.
  5. Ever felt like maybe your battery isn't making the best connection or maybe the contact points in your mech aren't doing the trick? I did too, so this is what I did to improve them... Take your Mechs apart and use a dremel with a wire wheel or sanding stone and gently hit the contacts on your mech. (becareful not to grind them down though otherwise you can risk not being.able to.make contact at all) Also check the negative post on your battery, i noticed mine were getting nasty and discolored. (black from metal to metal contact) I hit the bottom of each battery with a softer wire wheel to remove the black crap that was starting to build up and interfere with a good connection with the switch. The theory of this makes sense in my head, not sure if it actually did anything, but I don't have to fight with my maraxus to get it to fire anymore. Give it a shot see for yourself!
  6. The flavor is pretty good, I do give it that!
  7. I can get vapor, but it's just not an airy enough draw for me cause all the cotton that's goes into the coil build. That's with enlarged airholes in my top cap.
  8. I usually.just stick with my standard dual or quad coils. I was in the mood to play with wire though and haven't done a Dragon in a few months. Still not a huge fan of the Dragon coil.
  9. I played a few times with this style awhile back, figured I would try it out again.... Here is a Dual Twisted 30g Nano Dragon Coil....
  10. It does the job, I don't use mine as much. I go through spurts where I will use it daily for about a week or so, then get bored and go back to one of my RDA's for a bit.
  11. Welcome to the VT! Sounds like you all had a blast! Wish there were meets in my area more frequently... Oh well I will be moving to Salt Lake City, here in a few months anyways... lol
  12. Try Brasso its a cleaning/polishing compound. It works really good. That's what we use in the Army to shine the brass on the spent casings we stick in the American flag during a Military funeral.
  13. What is the resistancy of of your RDA and your Viva Nova?
  14. I would agree with Jeff, the one he linked is a solid set up for starters. Its the one I started on as well. (close to it anyways, mine wasn't the spinner 2)
  15. iheartvape


    its just normally ones who want to get into RDA's just for clouds are the ones who don't take the time to learn the safety side. like I said just my opinion.
  16. Here is my 28g twisted I threw together last night. I keep mine off center, I seem to get better airflow this way.
  17. I get mine all wrapped on my coiler, remove them, torch (depending on the gauge), then I mount them on the deck on the ohm meter, use my pliers make sure they are nice and compressed without causing any overlap, then when im satisfied with that and the ohms, I put the deck on my mech with a half drained battery, pulse the coils till they glow a little, compress some more with the pliers, re-insert my rod or whatever I wrapped my coils on, adjust the height or whatever I need, pulse them some more, readjust with pliers, remove, retest on the ohm meter, then if its good, I wick and roll!
  18. iheartvape


    5 least favorite words an experienced user hates to hear after receiving a question about rebuilding.... cant speak for anyone else, but those words make me less inclined to help. Blowing clouds shouldn't be the reason you want to get into RDA's.
  19. I really like the blue one in the earlier post. The blue just makes the buttons pop, and that atty. BTW what atty is that?
  20. I really like how that looks! Don't they sell ones that are already copper?
  21. Less powerful in what regard? Battery life? or does the 20W clone not really hit 20W?
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