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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. As long as it gets the job done, that's all that matters.
  2. I wonder if the same would have happened with a cheap crappy battery.
  3. 26g, 7 wrap parallel coils at .16 Ω.....
  4. Got 2 new flavorings today, haven't made many purchases lately.
  5. It vapes pretty good. Still gets hot even with extra air.
  6. Probably my cheapest vape purchase EVER... only bought a new juice from a local maker here (Fat Man - Manhattan Project by Fallout Vapors) and some more flavors for my DIY fix. Spent a grand total of only $32
  7. .2Ω quad coil using 24g Kanthal.... had to add more air holes on the top cap too...
  8. This July 25th - 27th there will be a convention in Sandy, UT. The 1st Annual VIP Vape Street convention. I am gonna try to make it out in time to attend. Hope to see some of you there! http://vipvapestreet.com/
  9. That's not a bad build there Crush... The only thing I would do is pull the coils in closer to the posts a little, id be afraid of top cap touching the sides of those coils.
  10. That's a real clean build for a first attempt... way better looking then my first one... lol
  11. To me it gives better flavor production.
  12. Its a good little can don't get me wrong. I used it for over a month before I just went back to using the droppers. If your on the go a lot it can be handy. Im usually at work or at home, both places I have the luxury of being able to have my big 30ml bottle with me.
  13. Did something a little different with these... twisted 2 strands of 30g together, then added a 3rd strand but twisted in reverse of the first twist..... As soon as its time to replace coils in my Stillare or Brass Monkee I will show the resistance and update how they work.
  14. I like RDA's on my Hana better, slims it down and makes it look more compact.
  15. The drips are smaller so it throws my count off when using RDA's and the top where the needle tip and threads are get juice all over them so then when I go to re-drip I get juice all over my fingers. For me its just easier to use the dropper that comes with the juice bottles.
  16. The MVP is a really good device. My wife has actually been rocking mine with my Kayfun built with dual 30g twisted coils in it.
  17. I make my kids drink the juice! No im just kidding... I vape around my kids... I don't blow it in their faces or anything though. Like stated previously, I try not to vape in close quarters. If we are in the car I put down both front windows and open the sunroof. (I think a lot of that is just habit from when I was a smoker though)
  18. I am running my stillare on my hana right now. It gets the job done for me. Keep in mind though it is really based on your preferences, your coils, your wattage settings, voltage drop off, etc. Only you can prevent forest fires... oh wait no, that's not right... Only you can determine what's good to you!
  19. if your looking for a clone with decent lock the Oni isn't bad, the Cronus is really good, only issue with the Cronus is the little allen heads have to constantly be tightened or they will come loose and disappear. (Loctite fixes this though) The Maraxus has a recessed fire button with no lock, as long as you don't put it into a pocket with keys or change it wont misfire. Those are the ones I own that don't have issues.
  20. I have one of them... haven't used it in about a month though.
  21. If all wire has this stuff in it, is it something that prolonged use; even at low concentration in the wire, over time may be harmful?
  22. I just saw these on YouTube and thought someone here might find them useful.... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/NfqSh03FEys" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/gmGm92Bbxfc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  23. Use the "IMG" code and just paste it directly into the body of your post.
  24. I just wicked that build and threw it on my maraxus with a fresh vtc5 holy vape batman... hit like a freight train! I forgot how hot a sub ohm hits, and those coils glow red in a split second. I think I rekindled my love for my mechs... lol
  25. Nothing is wrong with them, just been on a VW kick lately.... lol
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