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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Hello! Glad you have made the jump. Trust me you will not regret it!!
  2. That's a good question. I honestly don't think I would, but hard to say as I'm still at 11-16mg of NIC
  3. I have never washed any of mine, but I primarily use carto tanks. I have been using my iclear 30 lately though and it tastes funny almost burnt but the coil is only a few days old and shouldn't be burnt yet. I might have to try a cleaning and ISO
  4. Why does seeing your flavors bother him? Would he rather see packs of analogs?
  5. For some reason after leaving analogs the only time I wanted an analog was while drinking. I finally gave in the other weekend and took a few puffs of a buddies analog, and holy crap I wanted to vomit... Lol
  6. Right now I'm switching between 2 kits one has Tricky Alchemy and a little Sinthol, and the other one is Star Spangled Bananer with a little Scorpion in it.
  7. Just got my email from FastTech telling me all my items have shipped.... Hooray
  8. I normally buy my juice from a store in town but I'm tired of paying $20 for a large bottle (30ml)
  9. I always carry mine in my pocket and ended up just going in the bathroom in my sons hospital room. I even had 2 of my kits out on the stand and the nurses didn't say anything about them being out.
  10. This is my first time ordering juice online, but for $1.87 a bottle I had to try..... (one is watermelon and the other is strawberry) == Items ordered == #1. SKU 1310710 - Dekang E-liquid for Electronic Cigarettes (10ml) x 1 http://www.fasttech.com/product/1310710 #2. SKU 1310708 - Dekang E-liquid for Electronic Cigarettes (10ml) x 1 http://www.fasttech.com/product/1310708
  11. Very true, so I'm out a $2 head or carto, who cares... Lol I'm just gonna play around more and push the envelope sorta speak.
  12. We haven't had much issue here in Washington, smoking weed is actually legal here now, and not just the medicinal. So out here vapor isn't really used much to hide weed smoking, at least not that I am aware of, but I'm sure some of the techier pot heads might be into it... Lol
  13. That right there will be the demise of vaping in the Military, because of the device they will make vaporizers contraband.
  14. By this sign why not have no nicotine patches too then
  15. Yeah I mean, why make it bad and nit allowed, sounds to me the hospital doesn't care about health but mire the image that puffing on a ecig displays.
  16. It's just the difference in pg-vg and nic as suggested by other comments. Could also have a little to do with your VV/VW settings too, but that last part is just my own theory. It makes sense in my head that different settings produce different temps which in my head would result in differences in amount of condensation produced.
  17. Use photobucket to upload pics. Once it's in photobucket, view the image then view links and copy the code for "IMG" then paste the code here.
  18. Ok so I think I confused myself in my head.... lol.... On my carto's when I buy them they ask if I want 2.5 or what not... Is that ohms or amps? I know on my old atomizers it was ohms, cause it would have the symbol for ohms. On my SVD it doesn't matter it tells me what my amp is so I can figure the rest out using the calculator. I just want to make sure I'm nit confusing amps and ohms so I don't burnup my coils and stuff on accident.
  19. So I was at the Hospital and noticed this sign. I understand the cigarettes and dip, dippers spit all over the pavement out front and it's kinda nasty, but why the e cig? It doesn't hurt anyone?
  20. Now I read this after purchasing a new tank and stuff from fast tech.... lol
  21. My teeth aren't the whitest but that's from 20 years of smoking and coffee. I have a whitening scheduled though now that I don't smoke, and barely have a cup of coffee a day now. (down from about 6-8 cups a day)
  22. Here is a newer pic of my toys, minus my purple smoov kit. (the wife stoke it... lol)
  23. I ordered a few new toys, I'm lazy so I'm just gonna paste a portion of the email here..... == Items ordered == #1. SKU 1439502 - Aluminum Drip Tip for 510 / ViVi Nova / DCT x 1 http://www.fasttech.com/product/1439502 #2. SKU 1324901 - DCT Electronic Cigarettes Round Mouth Dual Heating Core Atomizer (Large) x 1 http://www.fasttech.com/product/1324901 #3. SKU 1363900 - DCT Pre-Punched Tank Cartomizer (Flanged) x 2 http://www.fasttech.com/product/1363900
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