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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Wasnt sure if anyone seen this yet or not... Im kinda curious, i might try it when i can get some flat ribbon...
  2. I am still trying to figure it out too... What I do, because I'm on it so often... Lol I sort it by recent within last 7 days, and just skim through that. If I see something I like I add it to my wish list so I don't have to search for it later.
  3. Holy crap! I thought it was a walkie talkie at first!... Lol. I do love the huge lcd screen on it, i wonder if it comes in a android or iOS version.... Lol
  4. I use FastTech, i have had a shipping issue with my very 1st order I had placed with them, but they fixed it and refunded my money, I since have bought a ton of stuff from them. A few tricks I learned when dealing with FT, always look at when the item says it's available for shipping prior to checkout, assume that anything you buy is knock off, cant be disappointed when it turns out to be a knock off, and always remember...... Research and reviews! All in all i have had a pleasant experience with them. On to the whole keeping the V5, after you were refunded.... I probably would keep the item as well, if I had made several attempts to contact them and they went unanswered. I am also a believer in Karma though too, so i only do that in which I am willing to take in return. I would have to weigh the pros and cons of keeping it and is it worth any bad karma.
  5. I'm still using my trusty K100 and my octopus rda, but today I went a head and threw a dual coil on it for the 1st time, using a standard micro coil set up and cotton with some 50/50 mix of bowdens mate from 5 pawns and peaches and cream by Jamesons. The dual coil on a octopus is frigging amazing! I don't know why I didn't do it sooner!
  6. Yeah I have mine angled, i mentioned that under the first pic, I just forgot to angle it before taking the pic. I might try and do a normal micro coil with a Dragon coil in parallel, see if that helps give some flavor while producing cloud. I haven't had luck running dual coil yet on the helios cline as one of the Allen screw heads is stripped after the 1st use, and i dont have anything to use in its place.
  7. So i tried my hand at a Dragon Wick or coil... Im not sure if I like it honestly. I don't get as much flavor with it and it dries pretty quick. I tried it first in a single coil set up on my Helios clone using my K100 with a 18490 battery. Here are some pics if anyone wants to look at it and give me pointers if you notice something I could do better or did wrong... I ended up angling the coil I forgot to do it before taking a pic...
  8. My bad... i skipped over the whole direct drip carto thing and dived straight into RDA when i was learning, it wasnt that bad. I did mention the direct carto method though in my previous comment, it just wasnt as in depth, cause there isnt much to it.
  9. Cloud chasing is not a bad thing by any means, I do it. Thats where the hobbiest aspect of vaping comes into play for me. With cloud chasing though, it has its proper place and time, like for me, i only cloud chase at home, when im bored on the couch, i will tinker with my coil set ups just to see what i can build for the best cloud.
  10. it sounds way more complicated then it actually is. When i first started exploring it i thought the same thing, now its the only way I will vape. My best advice would be to google rebuilding micro coil or something to that nature and watch a few videos on youtube about it, that way you can see that the whole process really only takes about 10 minutes.
  11. Lets see if i can help out here... I am by no means an expert yet, but... Dripping is another method one can use instead of using a tank with a capacity to hold liquid. Basically the way it works is you would need what is refered to as a "RDA" (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) which will have a base, or commonly refered to as a "deck" on the deck you will have "Posts" most common and easiest to work with would be a 2 post set up. the center post being the positive and the 2nd post being your ground or negative. You would build a coil of your choosing, wether it be a micro coil, tin man, dragon coil, etc. once you have the coil and wicking material in place, you would "DRIP" a few drops of your liquid directly onto the coil, and fire it, to get your vape. After a few puffs, you will need to "DRIP" a few more drops on, to keep it moist. This is the "Dripping" method. It requires you to constantly drip your juice manually onto your coil as opposed to using a tank and having a wick that will pull the juice from the tank on its own. The above would be an example of a Rebuildable Dripping method, there is another method for dripping wich uses a cartomizer tube, it looks like a little cylinder, but has a small amount of cotton or other wicking material in it, that you drip your juice into. This method is not rebuildable, after a few days you take the cylinder or "Carto" off and toss it, and replace with a new one. This method you would just have like a sleeve or heat shield that goes around the carto, mainly to make it look a little better then just having an exposed carto on top of your battery. Hope this helps you understand a little better about the difference between methods.
  12. now im gonna have to look that up, i never even heard of that one...
  13. I rarely even use my KTS anymore, i perfer my K100, actually. But this is good info though. It made me rethink how im building my coils on my tank for the KTS, to see if im doing something wrong. I keep the ohms on it at about 1.1 to 1.5, but i never thought to check the contacts on the springs and stuff.
  14. FastTech has a few side fire mech mods... There is one, i think it is the PH22 that i personally want to get. its a thumb fired side button. I have the KTS and i have the same issue with the button getting hot, its because there is no insulator on them like most of the bottom fired mechs.
  15. Oh yeah the prometheus is one i want to try out as well... i got a helios yesterday, i have never messed with the dual coil rda, so... so far im not too impressed, but thats 99.99999% due to me not getting a good coil build on it yet.
  16. I was refering to young adults, not minors. Cloud chasing is when you set up or mod your device in such a way for the sole purpose of producing the largest vapor cloud possible.
  17. My KPT2 is a little finicky also... I have noticed that i cant over tighten and when taking a drag off it, i cant pull hard, or else it will flood it out, i have to take slow gentle pull.
  18. I would not do it... you would be better off just buying the Pulse G from FastTech... it has the reduced air chamber and the whole rba only cost like $20 or something like that. Its not a bad rba either, a buddy has one and it works pretty dang good.
  19. For me it was to quit smoking and save a little money (the later of the two hasnt worked yet as im continuosly buying new mods and juices.... lol) I do agree that it is a trend among the younger generation, its new, its techy, and its a way to draw attention. A lot of it is Hookah users that now use ecigs as a personal Hookah. I have younger guys here at work that dont even smoke, but saw me and another co worker out at the smoke shack, using our e cigs, and low and behold, they were out there the next day with a e cig puffing away on 0mg of juice.
  20. today I am just using my trusty K100 and octopus rda with a IMR 18490 battery dripping some ever so delicious five pawns bowdens mate @ a delightful 1.1 ohms
  21. I stealth vape at work, but other then that, i dont vape in stores or at the mall or anything. I only stealth vape at work, cause i have my own office and i can close the door and its not bothering anyone, i dont cloud chase in the event someone walks in my office they wont be like WTF!?!.. lol I treat my vaping like i would a cigarette. 1, helps keep from drawing unwanted attention to myself and vaping, and 2, keeps me from receiving more nic then i need.
  22. I received my stuff yesterday from fasttech, all in all it took about 8 days via china post/usps. some items will take longer, a lot of that has to do with the item, you have to look at the items cause it will say its available ship day, some items are available next day to ship some can take a week to be available to ship.
  23. I wonder everytime I pass a cop and hitting on my e cig if they think I'm doing something bad, but then again that bad thing is legal in my state... So that's probably why I haven't been pulled over.
  24. I have them up a little from the deck, but I guess it is possible. I wrapped new coils and increased the diameter but same issue for the burnt taste, one dries out a tad faster then the other but they seem to be pretty even as far as heating up goes.
  25. Increasing the diameter of the coil didn't help. :-(
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