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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Dude! Your on to something there!! I smell profit!
  2. It's Seattle and the seahawks are in the superbowl, they are probably all in New York... Lol
  3. I got the Youde IGO-W.. But I may go back and get the IGO-W3 too, i like the top cap and the option to move up to a quad coil if I want to.
  4. I know a lot of people that have an analog here and there still. My best friend was a 2 pack a day smoker now he is down to about 3 analogs a day. He has a hard time with giving them up completely he says it's the TH, he hasn't found a juice or a set up that gives him the one he wants. Either way he is better off then he was at with 2 packs a day. Just take it a day at a time, when your ready to give up the analogs completely, you will. Until then just play around with your ecigarette experiment and enjoy your Vape!
  5. The only thing that I don't like is i go through juice so much faster.
  6. I actually found that at a goodwill while on my hunt for a storage set up. I ended up paying $3.99 for it.
  7. Paul, unfortunately finding the juice you really love is a never ending venture. You tastes will change over time. I had flavors I use to absolutely love, now I can't stand them. The only juice I have found that has been consistently my favorite is Bowdens Mate from Five Pawns, and Omega by Space Jams. Keep in mind what tastes good to me might taste like crap to you.
  8. I take random UA's at work as well, so far I haven't tested positive.
  9. My luck one of my kids would throw it away or something... Lol.
  10. It would be nice to have in the car!
  11. I found this today when surfing google for images i could use for various things... This is actually kinda cool... http://invape.com/have-a-coke-and-a-vape/
  12. I use to Vape at 3.8v to 4.1v but it depended on the juice and if i was using a bcc tank or a Carto tank... Now I use a rda with a .4 ohm coil, not sure what the voltage is, its a mechanical mod using a IMR 18490 battery, so i think it's at about 3.7 or 3.8v
  13. I never did figure out what the issue was I was having with that particular rda, i ended up getting a different rda, and i was able to get a flawless dual coil set up on it first try. Thanks for the info guys. I think the helios clone was just junk, most likely an issue with the posts. I'm using a Igo-W now.
  14. I just started using dual twisted coils in sub ohm.... Oh my! What a difference!
  15. I guess that could be one use for it, but I think the main use is to have more control over the type of hit you can get from your device.
  16. I have the SVD as well, very nice device. Mine sadly hasn't been used in about 2 months. I been on a mechanical mod kick lately.
  17. Sorry for the double post, I finally was able to take a pic of my gear....
  18. I picked up some flat ribbon yesterday at my local b&m, they were out of 30g kanthal though. So I twisted the flat with just some 28g and I'm impressed so far. Can't wait to try it with all 3 wires.
  19. Nice, I grew up in a garage so i can tear apart an engine and rebuild them no problem, if I could fab my own parts that would amazing
  20. I really have mixed feelings about minors vaping... Our whole argument to keep vaping from being banned and to fight the argument of vaping in certain locations is that it is safe. So on one hand we say it's safe then on the other hand we say minors shouldn't Vape cause its bad..... I know that is a very broad and generalized comparison. I don't think minors should Vape nic, but if they want to Vape 0mg I honestly don't see an issue. It would lessen the chance of them stealing their parents set up that contains nic, or having to rely on someone to buy them juice which may have nic. It should be up to the parent, and the parent should have to be present when making purchases to help ensure 0mg of nic. Now I realize this would be impossible to impose nor would it go the way it should... You will ALWAYS have minors doing the wrong thing, it is inevitable.
  21. I wish I knew how to do stuff with metal so i could build stuff. I have a lot of things I want to build especially for my car.
  22. I have a few set ups that get really hot, alot of my heat is due to very low ohms on my coils, i usually just slow down a bit, and throw one of my acrylic drip tips on or use one of my insulators so i dont burn my lips with one of my SS tips. Other then them getting hot, i personally havent had any issues such as battery venting or anything like that. Like aufin stated.. if it gets hot and you are concerned just switch devices or tanks for a little, and check the coil, replace if needed.
  23. today im using my launcher v2 with igo-w dripping some space jams Omega
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