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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. I have to admit, I'm a closet cloud chaser. I didn't fully realize it till a few days ago when I noticed my wife fanning a cloud so she could see me when talking to me... Lol
  2. If you like mellow creamy tones I would go with grandmaster by 5 Pawns, Moon Sugar by Mr. good Vape, or The Tickler by Stachesauce all very delicious!
  3. I saw these the other day... FT sells them, I'm curious as to how well they work. Thought about getting one just to try it out.
  4. My favorite part of vaping is rebuilding coils, it gives me something to do on the weekend when my family is having our lazy day. Lately I have been using ekowool in my trident rda, i love the way the ekowool wicks and gives a clean taste as well.
  5. ARMY 1998 - Present MOS: 19D & 79S 19D (1998 - 2008) 79S (2008 - Present)
  6. Picked up a few new juices today... The Tickler Handlebar By Stachesauce Sweet Cream By Banzai
  7. I fully agree, I picked one up today, and it's amazing! Definitely worth the $40 in my opinion
  8. You can put me down for one. How wide bore would it be out of curiosity? I like my drip tips wide bore so i can drip juice in them instead of taking it off everytime. Either way I'm still down for one, was just curious.
  9. It needs a bigger airhole, other then that im pretty impressed, and i have been a dripper only guy for a few months now.
  10. Got a new tank today, some more 18490 Batts, a piston drip tip, some Moon Sugar by Mr. Good Vapes, and some Sweet Cream by True.
  11. Moon Sugar from Mr. Good Vapes.... It is sooooo yummy!
  12. I just boiled some more... I did let them boil a lot longer then last time
  13. Maybe that's why I didn't notice a difference, I only boiled mine once. Back to the kitchen I go... Lol
  14. The Magneto is a great device, a friend of mine has one, i really like it, i used it for a day. I currently have the KTS+, K100, and a Launcher v2, my K100 is my go to mech mod, but my Launcher V2 is quickly becoming my all around favorite.
  15. i twisted 2 28g strands with some flat ribbon... holy hell, you wanna talk about a hot vape!
  16. I have 2 local b&m's that I frequent often, out of about 13. The other 11 are absolute crap reselling clone FT items for sometimes the price of the authentic items, and they try to treat me like I know nothing about vaping, even though I have to show them how to use some of their stuff.... Lol. I can tell they can care less about vaping and are only there to make a few bucks.
  17. Yeah I wasnt too impressed, i live in the Seattle area, so I'm happy the seahawks won, but I was hoping for a way better game. That looked like a preseason game with broncos potential recruits or something.
  18. Sorry to hear about your seizure. Hopefully your taste buds return to normal quickly.
  19. I do not consider myself a smoker either, im a Vaper. To answer your question about the coils, it really depends on a number of things, how much you use it, what volt/watts your running at, etc. when i used replacebale coils, such as kanger pro tank sometimes i would have to change the coils every 3-4 days, with my rebuildables i can usually get about 7-8 days before having to rebuild the coils.
  20. im not sure how i feel about that actually... lol
  21. I would have to agree on it being a Nimbus.
  22. I actually had this happen to me yesterday... Lol. The wife just looked at me like really!? So she made me open the sunroof, so I'm sure people thought my car had a chimney out the top... Lol
  23. Lol... Yeah mine is on a wall in a little nook that my living room tv is in, it's a wide nook, so i have a good amount of space and it's out of the way of the kids and animals.
  24. Who sells that! That just might be a tax return gift to myself! Nevermind I'm slow today.... You say it right in the post... Lol
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