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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. I think wrapping this coil would require way too much patience for me... lol
  2. Just got my order of 5 Pawns.... Mmmmm.... Yummy! I'm digging the Castle Long right now.
  3. Just saw this on YouTube, thought I would share it for you crazy builders out there.... The Inception Coil: http://youtu.be/0nmXeD8OeSg
  4. Holy crap, that is a sexy mod!... Kinda makes me not want to share what i bought now.. lol. I purchased a few small things online, grabbed a magnet kit for my Nemesis, bye-bye crappy spring... lol I also picked up some more 5 Pawns (Grandmaster & Bowdensmate) and the clear kit for my Kayfun 3.1
  5. i havent tested anything below 1.2 on mine, but now im curious... lol
  6. I been trying to get some, everytime I run to my B&M it's always sold out. I need to just order some online.
  7. I use boiled organic cotton or sometimes I use ekowool. I want to try hemp though, I just keep forgetting to place an order from Fedora Vapors... :-)
  8. Another FastTech thread.... As stated above in almost every other FT threads, they are slow, they sell clones, you often get what you pay for. With that being said, I buy items from them on occasion. No such much anymore though, I am too impatient.
  9. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=310904060462
  10. For anyone looking for the parts... Just view sellers other items if this one sells... They have a ton... Steampunk gears and cogs
  11. I have always loved SP this however will be my first attempt at making anything SP, so it probably turn out goofy looking.... Lol
  12. Found them on ebay for like $7 for a little baggy full of them
  13. I love my MVP 2.0 I have the black carbon fiber wrap and it looks pretty cool.
  14. I bought a little coiler from Hobby Lobby for $11 works wonders. It mounts to a table top or counter top with a little c clamp deal.
  15. Uh oh... What could I be up to with all these little sprockets, gears and cogs?.....
  16. Yeah rocket e cig sucks! They have crap juice, and FT knockoffs for about double the cost, and the staff is not knowledgeable. I did find 2 in Nashville that were pretty good, Vulcan Vapors and Nashville Vapor
  17. What's in the box? That's what I want to know.... If you guys see a shadowy figure by your mailbox, it's not me, i promise... Lol
  18. Yeah I wanted a small case for my build, but wasn't sure about the fit in a smaller case, so i went with the same case as your "big blue"
  19. Got a couple of my items today in the mail... Received my 24g Kanthal and my M5D Derlin Wide Bore drip tip.
  20. Do you need honest review protection? Relocation, new name and new life.......
  21. I would pick a case that fits your personality, or just look around your house and pick something, gut it and viola! (TV remote mod!)
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